How does gay people being allowed to legally marry personally impact your life in any way?

How does gay people being allowed to legally marry personally impact your life in any way?

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It doesn't
It never did

That ship sailed years ago, faggot. It took about five minutes before just getting married and doing shit in your bedroom stopped being enough.

So why are you against it then?

>you can have sex but if you say you are gay out loud we will hurt you


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I'm gay and I'm a straight ally.

I think gay people should be able to get married and I think the government shouldn't be involved.

That said, I think gay marriage is a mistake and that the government should be out of it.

Give it a rest groomer.

But seriously, it was never about the handful of normal-acting gays. It was ALWAYS about destabilizing the United States, economically and militarily by selecting the most degenerate subcomponents of society and artificially elevating and amplifying them. So fuck you, faggot, and get ready for the pendulum to come back at sonic speeds.

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>How does gay people being allowed to legally marry personally impact your life in any way?
It devalues the important relationship by setting an imposter relationship as equal, harming society, by promoting something that is bad.

>It was ALWAYS about destabilizing the United States, economically and militarily by selecting the most degenerate subcomponents of society and artificially elevating and amplifying them. So fuck you, faggot, and get ready for the pendulum to come back at sonic speeds.

Marriage is already fucked as a concept even without gays.

>I'm gay
i can tell by your shitty r3ddit spacing.

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>So why are you against it then?
marriage literally means nothing aside a document that shows youre together why do you need that may i ask? why cant fags just be boyfriend/girlfriend?

I think straight people should be banned. They groom kids into phony religions.

Just make everyone be gay.

>its just a document
>its just a mask
>its just a vaccine

sigh u christucks are so dishonest

When the slippery slope stopped being a logical fallacy.

>says the people who want to be able to murder gay people indiscriminately

they proved the slippery slope is real in less than a decade lol. they try to claim they wanted legal marriage for the tax benefits but immediately after winning that battle they moved on to gaining access to children. cope harder and sorry you got molested faggot

what the fuck is "access to children"

you want teachers fired for coming out as gay - that's not ok

straight people don't try to brainwash kids? religion isn't grooming?

No, but perhaps but allowing a little degeneracy as acceptable in society leads to a lot of degeneracy which ends in Weimar conditions which leads to... well you know.
Probably should have kept quiet and stayed in the closet.

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>what the fuck is "access to children"
yeah follow your script and keep pretending that 99% of the grooming "breaking news" isn't from faggot loving libtards. go find that tiny amount of closeted republicans to cope and keep feeling good about your disgusting actions. you should be given the same treatment alan turing got. at least he accomplished something worthwhile instead of just talking about how brave having GRIDS is

It doesn't
A man can marry a horse for all I care. It's equally as ludicrous
Just don't expect me to respect you

you got blindsided by the teachers trying to force kids to choose a sexuality continue being apart of the gay rape orgy

Gay marriage insists that society pretend two things which can never be equal are equal. It deconstructs natural law which is the foundation of the legal system, the bedrock of the civil society. Gay marriage is cultural terrorism which assaults both the current health and future viability of our civilization.

Cause faggot are tools of satan,they are slaves of lust(they are not the only ones, some heterosexual are also), they will always desire more perversive and demonic shit. Gay pride parade is the example. Pride is an stupid felling to begin with. But being pride of a hell sigh in broad daylight in the middle of the road, how can someone not see how the devil has something to do with that

teachers telling gays kids people exist ≠ forcing kids to choose a sexuality

i dont know, why are there more gay flags in my neighborhood than american flags if its all just about
>what we do in the bedroom is our business.

Makes my life 100% better, Amazing weddings and relationships that are wonderful and healthy, last too.

Because the now-married gays continue their crusade to this day to make us accept an ever-widening spectrum of weird shit and demand access to impressionable kids. Every knew it would happen, but because the term 'slippery slope fallacy' exists, smoothbrains acted like slippery slopes don't exist.

>telling gays kids people exist
go learn how to form sentences nigger

Nobody would give a shit about what they are doing in their personal life if they just leave the kids alone. How tf is it not talked about that 3% of the world population (the LGBTQ community) make up more than 50% of all child predators? Thats unbelieveable to me.

sorry, teachers telling kids gay people exist

you are against teachers mentioning in schools that gay people are a thing

I´d rather have people grooming kids into religions than grooming kids into mutulating their bodies and kids being groomed into fuck toys for the mentally ills.

100% false.

what difference would it make if they dont they eventually find out anyway and make their own conclusions

Cuz they come out in them dresses and you don’t know which one be the boy and which one be the girl it’s just mad confusing so why the fuck I gotta spend my day tryina figure out how they work out they marital affairs, they gotta make this shit clear, this is the boy and this be the girl, that’s all, why the fuck yall both be wearin dresses

What if you meet your kids friends parents

Lesbians have the highest rates of domestic violence. There’s nothing healthy about genetic dead ends grooming children with their deviant sexual fetishes.

because having an adult acknowledge something kids might be struggling with can be motivational and positive

gay kids exist

some men act fem and are born that way - deal with it

if we let you gay people get married, what's next homosexual school teachers? where would we draw the line?!?

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