Oh come the fuck on

You KNOW he did that on purpose. Just listen to him- he chuckles about it immediately afterwards


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muh karmic debt relief

zoomers don't remember when he constantly fucked up everything he said? this is not not news

yeah except karl rove and donald rumsfeld and dick cheney are more than one guy i think

He’s trying to make a joke. He’s just bad at it.

hes nold now

I see this idea posted here a lot but is there any source that these baby eating creeps actually believe this shit? Because it's the dumbest idea I've ever heard.

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His dad was a glownigger and he spent most of his career pretending to be a texan despite being a north east blueblood. Nothing Dubya does isn't meticulously planned.

Attached: George CIA Bush.jpg (474x595, 32.74K)

We should blame the army for doing it at all. Gen. Stormin' Norman.

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Read the Talmud, then read up on Kabbalah. They really think they can jew God. It's amazing really. They are proud if that too. They call it Huztpah

Once you are tuned in its literally everywhere. It wint need to be pointed out.

I remember. Back then I thought he was just pretending to be stupid to appeal to his voters, but now I think he really is stupid.

Stupid as a coked up fox user

Sometimes smart men have retarded firstborn sons.

I've read a bit on kabbalah and it mostly just seems like mall wicca shit with the "tree of life" re skin to make it seem more complex for the pseuds.
I tried to read the talmud but it made me want to vomit so I couldn't get very far in.

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Best Chris Farley I've seen in years.

Ha Google jews define huztpah means the audacity.
So I think what your saying is way more accurate with cultural context. Go figure. Fucking Google jews.
And you know it does make sense when you put it like that user. I really do feel jews and most abrahamic religious organizations have lost track of what really matters. God.
But especially the jews and the catholics imo.

He's just being a boomer.

He's objectively a brilliant political tactician. He's not just a mouthpiece for corporate fascists like Reagan was. You think him trying to paint himself as cute and cuddly after he left office dancing with villagers and showing off his shitty paintings is genuine? You think he's publicly unavailable until he needs to be a mouthpiece isn't planned?

In the case of Dubya this happened because his mom was an icy bitch who ignored him (same thing with Trump too)

Who gives a flying fuck what this insufferable faggot thinks? Jesus Christ, what happened to the old Any Forums?

Ahh yes, the, "wtf happen to Pol" poster.