How do we cancel widespread mail voting in the United States? Without it, Democrats would never win another election

How do we cancel widespread mail voting in the United States? Without it, Democrats would never win another election.
>For example
In Pennsylvania, 1.2 million Republicans went to the polls and voted in person yesterday. Less than 750k Democrats. Overall Rs were +115k but Ds were +350k in mail votes.

Attached: CNN Democrats Powerless.png (506x507, 236.16K)

The mail-in vote is the most effective form of voter suppression.

America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There is no saving it.

mail in doesn't matter, it's the counting machines which are pozzed

red herring

It's a cohesive fraud system. The mail in votes are front line and the machines are the failsafe

Why is it so hard to admit that you're just losing the culture war and more people support democrats? Seriously, if it wasn't for the electoral college and favorable voting maps the GOP would never win a single office anywhere in this country again unless they changed from their retarded christcuck bootstraps platform.

polls are the front line, but i agree otherwise with your hierarchy

Yes yes, we know we know. An Joe Biden is the most elected human being all of history. Fuck off, retard. You aren't even good at this.

Mail in is fraud total fucjing scam. No voter id. These elections are trash

Maybe if Democrats would ever leave their rat nests for a minute more of them might realize how not true shillfag's comment is

i'm just putting my junk mail in the bin with RETURN TO SENDER written on it

it's legal and they HAVE to do it and it costs them money

Mail in voting is a scam. I just don't understand how the right can be so cucked

What if everyone just sent letters and postcards to as many people as they can, or did stuff like suggests for the 8-12 weeks leading up to the election (depending on when each state starts taking mail votes)

>An Joe Biden is the most elected human being all of history
Name a candidate who got more votes.

>Mail in voting is a scam. I just don't understand how the right can be so cucked
The right is so cucked because they're the ones who keep allowing it to happen. They're the ones who are responsible for the rigged system, not the left.

Truth. Even more, the entire human race is predominantly evil and deserves to die.


Donald Trump 2020

Here in Utah we've been exclusively mail-in for over a decade and it's great

That's crazy, considering Republicans work and Democrats don't.


Serving up softballs eh?

I'm a letter carrier. Junk mail is standard postage and just gets recycled. Only first class and endorsed mail actually gets returned.

Donald trump.

another trumptard nigger who spreads disproven fake news

i prefer mail in because then the local republicans can't removed polling stations to stop black people like me from voting

Attached: 1652644432946.jpg (1080x1350, 322.79K)

Just cancel democracy. Republicans would win every election then.