/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #2417

Prev: ▶Day: 85 - Daily battlefield assessment: isw.pub/RusCampaignMay18

>Several Missiles hit Lviv
>Remaining Azov fighters in azovstal agree to surrender, as per instructions of Ukrainian command
>Russian appear to withdraw completely from Kharkiv axis
>Finland & Sweden to join NATO, Russia threatens to cut gas and energy supplies
>UK signs mutual security pacts with Sweden & Finland
>ISW: Ukrainian counteroffensive in northern Kharkiv took further ground & possibly closed to within 10km of Russian border
>RU forces breach azovstal steelworks
>ISW: RU forces involved in battle of Mariupol likely heavily damaged, Ukrainian forces succeeded tying down & degrading substantial Russian force
>EU plans Russian oil ban
>Ukrainian counter-offensive east of Kharkiv retakes several towns
>Evacuation of civilians from Azovstal steelworks underway
>Lavrov: Special military operation going according to plan
>UK MoD: Russia forced to merge & redeploy depleted & disparate units in eastern Ukraine
>War could last years, Nato warns
>Gazprom cuts gas to Poland & Bulgaria over their refusal to pay in roubles
>Explosions at oil facility and military base in Bryansk, Russia
>Ukrainian military claim to kill 2 more Russian generals during fighting in the south-east
>Flagship of RU navy in the black sea, the Moskva, sunk by Ukrainian Neptune anti-ship missiles

▶Telegram Channels

odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html (tracking visually confirmed equipment losses)

▶/uhg/ OP Template

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luv me marichka, simple as

>McDonalds leaving Russia is go-
Good riddance for the Russians

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So if the Ukrainian Armed Forces went to their own border, stole one of the posts, ran it back deeper into their territory to take pictures with it... doesn't that technically mean they just ceded some land to Russia, since the post is now deeper into Ukraine than before?

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Based retard making up schizo shit again

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Churkas are bombing Azovstal again.

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Study some history. Please read at least wikipedia page. You are to stupid to exist. Humanity is suffering over your low IQ. Both Fidel Castro and Ho Chi Minh were pro american. They only asked Soviets for aid after America refused. This is common knowledge easily available onlinw


How do you pick a whole border crossing like that?

What's a decent Ukrainian food dish? I know zero about their cuisine but am curious to try and make something. I've had a piroshky once but I don't know if that counts.

>just Google it
I'm too fucking lazy

Keev meat and Borch are amazing.

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Cook Barszcz.

chugg boyz rule

ukraine droolz

Fried vatnigs

Jesus, haven't these creatures heard of food safety?

Russian McDonalds must be Whole Foods-tier if you can eat it daily and still look healthy

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America supported and financed ho chi min in the after ww2 years, maybe check real history not Wikipedia

UN=/=US proto bokste

Wasted a few hours on infertile shitposting.
Good night.

bully a vatnigger near you - they deserve it!

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>What's a decent Ukrainian food dish?

Borsch, Chicken Kyiv, Potato Pancakes, Salo (with garlic/ black bread + borsch goes super well), Vareniki, stuffed cabbage rolls known as "Golubci", Syrniki, Nalishniki, Olivje

Mind you that some of these dishes (with or without different variations) can be encountered in other Slavic and sometimes Baltic cultures, given the historical/ cultural connections


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You should see non-westernized Japanese and Korean food then

It's called "crossing the line". The idea is that the Russian side of the border is still Russian, and the Ukrainian side is still Ukrainian. The point is that the post is now closer to the Ukrainian side of the border than it was before, so technically the Russians took it.

Kotlet kiev or god knows what they're called

>multinational commercial empire risking getting its restaurants closed over a fungible kid with a runny nose
I don't know Rick, it looks fake

Thanks, I'll try and make some Borscht.


Ukraine was never the target, we wanted to invade Belarus instead!

My proposition is as follows
1. Neutralise russia
2. Fix the problems of the west/eu
Instead of arguing about who subverted who and other useless bullshit. Have faith anons, the status quo has shifted, we live in a time period when the destiny is malleable.
Look at how much ukraine has achieved since 24th february. We went from historical losers to cherished heroes, and soon - winners. And that was a result of collective action of individual ukies, each of which decided that he is in control of his destiny. I hope that other countries (western in particular) will import brightest aspects of our culture, intergate our spirit and fix their problems. Unlike russians, i do not rejoice at wests failures, they break my heart. And i hope that together we will work things out

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this is an american, just give them the butter wrapped in fried chicken and they'll be happy

>stole one of the posts, ran it back deeper into their territory
Huh. They fought to the border post in one place. Not all places but it's an achievement for that group to celebrate.

I don't know, but they managed somehow. I imagine they were afraid of getting kalibrated if they filmed the video right on the border itself, so they pulled up a post somewhere and ran it back to their base to do a photo op.

Attached: ukraine border post.webm (480x848, 2.91M)

>But if you look a few master chess moves ahead of the current day, it becomes clear the special operation was a feint. From the start, Putin carried out a meticulous plan to neutralize his worst enemies within the Russian military by running them right into the well-sharpened Ukrainian knives. Now he will use this cruel prolonged separatist civil war of his creation like a furnace to skillfully reforge Russia. It was rotten to the core and Putin is wiping the slate clean. With the signature master strategisms we're so used to from him. I expect him to recapture Moscow and redeclare the Russian Federation any day now, completing the play and keeping his naysayers baffled. As usual, for victory comrades. Glory to Russia. Glory to V.V.Putin.

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Damn bro, thank you! UA Chef Ramsey over here

It's been very interesting seeing how every nation seems to have a different way to say (what in the US) is apparently Chicken Kiev .. or I guess Chicken Kyiv now amirite

Syrniki if you wanna something sweet
varenyky if you really wanna eat

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Blyat aiškiai sakiau USA. Gulinti koki debyle? Kuwra ir kaip ant tokiu urodu nesikeitki? Tiesiog paguglink Ho Chi Minh asked USA for help ar kažkas panašaus. Blyat ant kiek reikia buti debilu kad nemokėti guglinti?


That's them bringing an Ukraine decorated border post to the border to celebrate, isn't it?

Why do you think they did it somewhere in the far back?

Can everyone ITT irrevocably denounced the Talmud of their own volition? The /chug/gers have got us on that one.

>From the start, Putin carried out a meticulous plan to neutralize his worst enemies within the Russian military by running them right into the well-sharpened Ukrainian knives.
Sounds like some soviet plot, I could believe that.

What happen to the 40km convoy that was out of fuel and stuck, is it still there?

How do you say, “I surrender” in Ukrainian?

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t. concern troll

بالاستمرار تحت هذا الخط ، فأنت تقر بأن محمد نبي كذاب
Be honest: Are you a muslim or Islam sympathizer?

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Holy fucking cope m80. They pose for photos and say they are at the border. The proof is the yellow and blue post. The problem with this is that post is nowhere fucking near the border. How don't you understand lol

Hah! You're not wrong.

Thanks! The food in that pic looks amazing. One day when yall win this I'll have to swing by Kyiv and check out all the cool stuff there and gain a good 10 pounds eating stuff like that

the domminigger is still around, i thought the saudi got you fired

Two more weeks, maybe your father will return by the time.

zakaj me moj stari stavil dok sam bil dete?

Zodziu priziurek cia rajona ir laikyk kardana, ciuoziu miegot

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You turn around, pull your pants down, and bend over

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Tи нiкoли нe бyдeш cпpaвжньoю жiнкoю. У тeбe нeмaє мaтки, нeмaє яєчникiв, нeмaє яєць. Bи — гoмoceкcyaлicт, якoгo нapкoтики тa хipypгiчнi втpyчaння пepeкpyтили нa гpyбy нacмiшкy нaд дocкoнaлicтю пpиpoди.

Bcя «пiдтвepджeння», якy ви oтpимyєтe, є двoликoю тa нecepйoзнoю. Зa твoєю cпинoю люди знyщaютьcя нaд тoбoю. Baшi бaтьки oгиднi i copoмлятьcя вac, вaшi «дpyзi» cмiютьcя з вaшoгo oгиднoгo виглядy зa зaчинeними двepимa.

Чoлoвiки вкpaй oгидeннi вaми. Tиcячi poкiв eвoлюцiї дoзвoлили чoлoвiкaм винюхyвaти шaхpaйcтвo з нeймoвipнoю eфeктивнicтю. Haвiть тpaнcи, якi «пpoхoдять», виглядaють для чoлoвiкa дивoвижнo i нeпpиpoднo. Cтpyктypa вaшoї кicтки — цe мepтвa poздaчa. I нaвiть якщo вaм вдacтьcя зaбpaти п’янoгo хлoпця дoдoмy з coбoю, вiн пoвepнe хвicт i вдapитьcя, як тiльки пoчyє пoдих твoєї хвopoї, зapaжeнoї coкиpoю paни.
Tи нiкoли нe бyдeш жiнкoю.
Bи нiкoли нe бyдeтe щacливi. Щopaнкy ви виpивaєтe фaльшивy пocмiшкy i гoвopитe coбi, щo вce бyдe дoбpe, aлe глибoкo вcepeдинi ви вiдчyвaєтe, як дeпpeciя пoвзaє, як бyp’ян, гoтoвa poзчaвити вac пiд нecтepпнoю вaгoю.

Згoдoм цe бyдe зaнaдтo бaгaтo — кyпиш мoтyзкy, зaв’яжeш пeтлю, oдягнeш її нa шию i пopинeш y хoлoднy пpipвy. Tвoї бaтьки знaйдyть тeбe з poзбитим cepцeм, aлe з пoлeгшeнням, щo їм бiльшe нe дoвeдeтьcя жити з нecтepпним copoмoм i poзчapyвaнням. Boни пoхoвaють вac з нaдгpoбкoм, пoзнaчeним вaшим iмeнeм пpи нapoджeннi, i кoжeн пepeхoжий дo кiнця вiчнocтi знaтимe, щo тaм пoхoвaний чoлoвiк. Baшe тiлo poзпaдeтьcя i пoвepнeтьcя в пopoх, i вce, щo зaлишитьcя вiд вaшoї cпaдщини, — цe бeзпoмилкoвo чoлoвiчий cкeлeт.

Цe твoя дoля. Цe тe, щo ви вибpaли. Пoвepнeння нaзaд нeмaє.
Courtesy of Google Translate

this pic aged not that well
Im doing a little revision here

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>The problem with this is that post is nowhere fucking near the border
and how the fuck would you know that? substantiate your claim

“yo onions dominicANO“

Based name namefagg