Whites only conquered the Earth because of our unfair numerical advan-

>Whites only conquered the Earth because of our unfair numerical advan-

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White is a term used by jews and american aboriginals to try to put themselves in a group with Europeans.

colonialism is the reason whites are becoming a minority in their own countries

On the contrary, it's because we chose to decolonize instead of simply sterilizing all non-Whites in all colonies.

>Whites only conquered the Earth because of our unfair numerical advan-
It’s true though? Europe as a whole dwarfed all of Africa’s population combined and that allowed them to industrialize.

>numerical advantage

you mean superior culture and intelligence

you wouldnt do that because that wouldnt be christian. now if whites came and exterminated the native population you might have a chance but that wont happen as long as youre Christian because youll feel compassion and try to convert the natives

I'm agnostic.
However, the Bible doesn't even say anything about eugenics.

Didn't help their cause that all bantu are absolute manlets.

The Bible says we should have compassion to our fellow man.
It doesn't say niggers are human. Our ancestors thought they were similar enough and could learn.
Now we know better.

>simply sterilizing all non-Whites in all colonies

if the good guys won ww2 I bet they would of done this

it says to love your enemies and to preach the gospel to all men. it also teaches we are all descended from the same man so technically we shouldn't be racist. also paul said there is no greek jew or sythian. the bible is pretty clear the only race god cares about is jew\gentile and even then its a blurry line

Cuckasians steal and murder. Not hard to figure it out. When regular folks are onto the rat ways, they change their laws to cover their ratty little tracks. That mighty white of you.

>It doesn't say niggers are human
well, Moses married a black Ethiopian also there is this verse.

Dark am I, yet lovely, daughters of Jerusalem, dark like the tents of Kedar, like the tent curtains of Solomon.

niggers were known to the people who wrote the bible and were considered humans albeit gentiles as they were close to africa

i dont think no one ever said that lmao

not the only reason, but demography is destiny

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white means fair haired, fair skinned with no mutations (means you aren't an albino nigger, means you must be lactose intolerant since the gene that allows people to digest milk at all is a mutation)

europeans aren't very white anymore. anything lighter than coal gets the WHITE label over there because you faggots know you should do something about the white replacement going on but you're chickenshits lol

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ugly ricecel

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Literally a fantasy that only exists in the minds of American blacks.