Fuck the Neetsocs and their dream of a new Fuehrer. What we need is a new Reagan and Thatcher

Reagan and Thatcher saved us from socialist decline in the 70s and early 80s. If not for them, the West would have died long ago. What's happening now with Biden is what happened to America and Europe in the 70s.

We need a new dawn, a new Reagan, and new Thatcher.

Attached: Thatcher.jpg (1536x1590, 696.74K)

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The Neetsoc zoomers and late millennials have no recollection of the hellscape Thatcher and Reagan saved us from.

Imagine asking for another jew instead of an actual leader that cares about his people like Hitler.

Hitler failed. Thatcher and Reagan succeeded for decades in holding back the decline of Western Civ.

I love trickle down so much.

Hitler didn't hold the decline back, he reversed it and made Germany the most advanced country in terms of everything that comes to your little head.

They will come around when they start to starve.

People will start to starve unless the socialist and eco bullshit is brought to an end soon.

There's plenty of us that feel betrayed by Thatcher even now, generations later. (Not me included).

But you know what they say, facts don't care about your feelings.

Socialist and eco bullshit won't be brought to an end until people start to starve.

OP's daft. Reagan was a satanist just like the crypto kike Thatcher.

Both were anti-white sellouts to the globohomo

We need and will get a proper ethnonationalist leader in EVERY European nations and its colonies like Soutb Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Canada

>two anglojew puppets saved us from...

China already have all our previous industry, what would be the point?

The eco-bullshit will end itself when we all starve.

Reagan was a Hollywood liberal that legalised no fault default as governor of California and gave 5 million spics amnesty and citizenship as president. "anti-socialist" Thatcher was a massive backer of Mugabe both politically and financially and went so far as to sabotage South Africa special forces operations against Zimbabwe to preserve relations with Zimbabwe, and this was while they were attacking the remaining white Anglo farmers.

Attached: eternal anglo - 1.jpg (943x2363, 613.49K)

**no fault divorce

lol, reagan let in millions of illegals
thatcher destroyed the english working class

>Made an entire part of the country vote Labour no matter what
>Lead to one of the most war mongering prime minsters in UK history
>Sold off and destroyed almost all domestic industry
>Made most the country poor. Then made them even poorer by removing the benefit system
>Helped solidify the globohomo in the UK to this day
Need I go on?

She also doubled the wog population and dragged the Kingdom into the EU

Thatcher is a literal demon. She made the class divide bigger than it had been for years and let in the 3rd world. If the Irish were ever going to do 1 thing right in their history it should have been blowing up the bitch

Checked, she also ate 6 boiled eggs a day. Imagine how her poor chauffeur suffered

Can't turn back that clock
Jews were assimilated in those times.
You went to war with us and are trying to replace us. You got impatient and fucked up your slow boil and now your going to lose.

We will not submit in this generation or ever again after we correct all of the history books. If you retards try to use force you will regret it.

>what we need is the neoliberal Jew-loving dickheads who fucked the right for decades to come with their worship of lines on a graph

I swear I turn into a fucking Nazbol around you "people".

Attached: putin-queen-elizabeth.jpg (755x596, 104.97K)

So many butthurt losers who couldn't hack it under Thatcher in this thread.
Her view was Social Darwinism: survival of the fittest. You or your parents were unfit, it seems.

Aye. She also stole the NF rhetoric and exploited the nativist sentiment, but once bitch got into office she only increased the amount of wogs
really? Where did you get that info

Sounds like a diet tailored for early heart attack

There is nothing Darwinistic about modern economy.

>Mutt commenting on 1980 British politics
All she did was prop up the elites and upper middle classes. She didn't combat socialism at all, in fact she made it worse because she set up Tony Blair to be voted in and radicalised a lot of the youth during the 1980's to become far left socialists.

That and she imported in a ton of nigs, pajeets and forced us into Europe. Go suck your globohomo dick else where.