Do you miss me

Attached: Shkreli-1652903274.jpg (719x717, 56.77K)

can you livestream some prison stories?

no jew

Great, another faggot that's probably gonna make a YouTube channel and spam here

He's rubbing his cock in the reflection of his glasses.
You're gay for looking after I explained this.

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He will be our new Führer

now that youre finally out, drop what you have on hillary clinton

Martin disregard all the new faggots, please come back, I will personally become your test subject

That's just the trademark Jewish handrub. He's thinking about all the shekels he's about to get by fleecing magatards.

where do i follow you broseph

He cant, there's a reason he was in jail and not 6 feet under

albanian my bloods is of the alans

Based Albanian crimologists

The guy who paid a million for poo tang clan album? A niggerloving cuck? Nah jump off a cliff you fucking faggot


>Paying for an album

That's like paying for a pizza and then complaining that the pizza was shit.

Not an iota


How would you know that if you wasnt a ginger pakishagging nigger ?

>Not an iota
I too know what that expression means, you pretentious fuck

of course

>you wasnt
How I know you are a nigger pt.1

no, and I haven't forgotten your gay tweet replying to my android autocorrect keyboard misspelled tweet implying I'm illiterate, fuck you ,martin fucking fight me faggot. Pull up, if i see you ever its fucking on site fagggot.

Mom must be proud

Didn't he just jack up the cost of an AIDS drug?
Who cares?

A drug that literally 15 people took.

nobody was actually paying that
he was just raping the insurance companies because he knew their game

he did nothing wrong

And he literally send it to them for free, only fucking over insurance companies

Any inside tips?


This. Anyone who wasn't covered, and genuinely couldn't afford it, got it for free. The drug would no longer exist were it not for him.

He's, forgive me Allah for saying it, an Albanian.

Naw Micheal and Michael wasn't that funny.

I am waiting for a Musk-Shkreli tag team match against libs

dont trust jews

>He's thinking about all the shekels he's about to get by fleecing magatards
Funny, wasn't it liberals that were kvetching about having to give him money?


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Albanians and Alanians are two separate and entirely different ethnic groups.