This company has a job offer for niggers and they're offering a lot of money for just an internship. It's paying 3 times the minimum wage. It's explicit it's only for niggers. Ins't this peak clown world? If it was the opposite and they only wanted whites, they'd get sued into oblivion and would go bankrupt in a week's time.

Thank you, USA, for allowing us to import your nigger-worshipping culture.

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Brazil has no free agency and must do whatever America exports to them

Sounds like your pathetic country deserves it.

It's true and fuck you for that. Start exporting some better culture.

do what they do in brazil and make a video of it and post on gif

This isn't going to last much longer. Nigger worship can't sustain a culture and as more and more businesses shut down because they can't afford to exist with niggers fucking up all those pavement apes will be dropped and none of them will know what to do with themselves.

That's about the time the Great Nigger Crime Wave happening now is ending as the populace gets sick of it and starts throwing jigaboos into prison again.

As easy as it is for them, there's no way I would ever trade places with a porch monkey. The peak of their favoritism passed sometime last year and we're going to go back to the way it should be for niggers except it's going to be much, much worse. I wouldn't be suprised if Jim Crow makes a comeback.

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>If it was the opposite and they only wanted whites, they'd get sued into oblivion and would go bankrupt in a week's time.

Niggers will be the only ones working.

Source please


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Doesnt even make sense, she's offering them a remote wagie. Just say you're a bicha preta and they wont be able to tell, hue

Brazil is just a CIA testing ground for shit they plan on doing to america in 15 years

>Wife-beater Skeeter vs beanpole Jerome

I remember this one, props to that lady for trying to defend her man. You'd probably see a white woman halfway around the block and already setting up a new dating profile if the roles were reversed


Thats a tranny.

Why do you favela monkey niggerspics act like youre not the blackest trannyfucking cunts on pol ? Look in the mirror Raphael

You can see that the guy is clearly trying to restrain himself. He has his hands on her arm but his legs are just too weak.

Aren't blacks like the majority in your chimp country? What is even the justification for this?

you're mixing up the blacks with the macacos. note picrel is old so macacos are probably the majority rn

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That is some real optimistic thinking there. I mean I know USA is turning into Brazil 2.0, and all the browns despise niggers, so maybe they will really crack down much harder than Americans ever did. But once we are gone the place will just be 100% jew run with zero opposition even in though or speech so I dont see Jim Crow making a comeback haha

*thought or speech

Does anyone have that video of an apehoop team visiting China where chinks shout NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER GET OUT nonstop?

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i kekd, i enjoy clown world

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The biggest problem in this country is niggers. Yes, the jews are behind it but niggers, their behavior, crime, the wear and tear on the infrastructure, the economy, the schools, healthcare, police force, everything, it's all niggers. Niggers are the reason American society is trashy. Everything has to be sexualized, dumbed down and made cheap as fuck. All because of niggers.

TPTB do everything they can to put another name on it and make up problems to address the problem without actually blaming it on niggers but it is ALL niggers. Once people accept that niggers are the problem in this country things will get better.

again, yes I know jews are behind it but the way niggers are allowed to run rampant and destroy everything literally and metaphorically is a huge problem. Eventually people will get sick of it and a lot of them will realize it.

The fucked up thing is more niggers have realized this than any other species or race. Many of them know the problems in the US are all due to niggers.

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Fucking love that movie
>Mr Barry has first fire

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Blacks are a minority. Jews are a tiny minority. The majority, whites, allowed this to happen and won't do shit about it. Whites are the problem.
Blacks are just behaving according tho their nature.

White police yes.

Leftist nu-speak is so pervasive that I can read this word for word and know exactly what it says despite not knowing a word of Portuguese