Yuri Bezemenov And Secret Commie Clubs

You know this guy who said the KGB set up brainwashed wokist stuff in the 70s and 80s and even after the collapse of the USSR, the thing they set up was on auto pilot and would destroy America?
We can all clearly see it coming into effect now.

What I wonder about is how this actually works? How do you set up a golem-like ideological cancer capable of enlisting intelligent people and subverting institutions, while running on auto-pilot?

I assume it has to do with the perfect "recipe" for a reason-busting ideology that invokes exactly the right features of human psychology. But still, how is this actually operating?

Here's what I really want to ask: are there like secret commie clubs in America?
I say this because I have a lot of friends and relatives who were deep into higher education and some of them have a very weird kind of implicit marxist point of view, something that comes up from time to time as reflective of their core perspective and attached to deep passion, but never explicitly stated as their political ideology.
Things like admitting the system is corrupt, but don't be so cynical trust the system. Admitting that certain reform proposals won't work, but then nonchalance. As if they themselves are aware of a future revolution upon which they are waiting.
I have other friends who are more explicitly marxist, and do wait for a revolution, but are vague about it and go about their daily lives.
There's also a HEAVY amount of implied use of psychedelic drugs by these people. They have a kind of giddy fetish about it, but it's wink-wink hush-hush, not like deadheads or anything.

I've thought that feminism rose because vulnerable smart girls would get pressured into attending these weekend retreats hosted by lesbians where they'd be bullied into all smoking weed together and crying over awful things men had done, before being given the basic narrative of feminism as a package of talking points.

Is there a commie version of this for liberal elite youth?

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Answer: Its the Jews.

Only half the people I'm talking about are even Jewish, and why would the "Jews" be a golem of the KGB.

What Bezemenov actually told in that interview was that the KGB has this agende it follows. Even after the collapse and the rebranding of KGB into FSB the agenda stayed the same.

thee russians are those who finance the lobbyists, media magnates and GOP and democrat politicians that enrich themselves by democratic institutions in the united states of america.

the russians are not capable of directly influencing americas downfall but they can support those who do so by following their agenda (i.e trump and his cirlce).

by enlisting billionaires (american term for oligarch) for their cause they slowly advance the soviet plan even the soviet union is no more. it is basically trying to topple the US from within. this is why you should always go to vote and vote for those people that benefit the stability of a western power bloc.

for example trumps america first policy is what enabled the russians to make a move on ukraine. what enabled the chinese to make a move on the south asian border states.

if america is in turmoil the evil cold war adversaries gain ground.

Bezemenov basically warned us that the cold war was never over. We are really lucky to have Biden who understands this. He is from the cold war era after all and he knows about the dangers of some spoiled wallstreet kids who never served their country taking the lead of his nation.

The enemy of old tries to rise again and needs a stomping.

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They sent families of spies over with children to blend in. They’re on their third generation now and have infested academia. At the end of the Cold War they didn’t all go back

>why would the "Jews" be a golem of the KGB.
You shouldn’t even be referencing Yuri if you don’t even understand basic USSR history.
The soviet press and back office activities were all done by literate, highly educated Jews, kind of like Nina Janko(yid) Or Madeleine Albright or Victoria Nuland

Oh, okay it's Trump Russia.
Jesus Christ the state of Any Forums

Wrong, at the end of the cold war most of them moved to America.


Attached: Trump ZOG Puppet.webm (640x352, 2.9M)

Right I'm aware of this just wanted clarification.

So the thing the USSR set up in the USA was of a Jewish character and will outlive the USSR because the Jews are still here.

Interpreted, this means that the USSR during Soviet times was working in conjunction with Jews, and now Russia may or may not be, but the plan which happened to involve the KGB was set up and executed and the executors are still around and are independent of the KGB.

A backhanded way of telling Americans that the USSR itself wasn't trying to subvert American culture (the common narrative in America during the Cold War). Rather, Jews in the USSR were using it to support Western Jews in the subversion of Western culture.

Is this more or less what you're getting at?

Well unless these people believe they can restore the USSR eventually, then why would they demolish the country in which they are living?

The Jews

Actually, maybe these are Jewish apparatchik types who, in the spy service, were brainwashed (and for their own reasons) to subvert the West.
So the current subversion is literally a hybrid Soviet echo/Jewish supremacist activity.
That the USSR funded them to be here, and trained them, but their Jewishness alone and own internal cultural commitment to communism means they endure the end of the KGB.

Like, these people are "true believer" atheist Bolshevik Jewish Supremacists, and the USSR helped develop the plan, funded it, organized to get them over here.
Now, they're just following through. They are the weapon.

>How do you set up a golem-like ideological cancer capable of enlisting intelligent people and subverting institutions, while running on auto-pilot?
It looks magical to you because you do not understand the laws of memetics and the noosphere. The ideological cancer doesn't run on autopilot, it's not organic, and it's not self-sustaining: It's constantly and actively blasted through every medium and institution, bombarding every mind with the memeplex. This creates billions of minds populated with the same gnotomemetic NPC memeplex. Take away the weapons of mass media and the scales will fall off of all the eyes. Pic related.

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>Active Measures - Russia’s Key Export:
>Prepared Statement of GEN (Ret) Keith B. Alexander on Disinformation - A Primer in Russian Active Measures and Influence Campaigns before the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence:
>OPERATION “SECONDARY INFEKTION” - A Suspected Russian Intelligence Operation Targeting Europe and the United States:
>Soviet Active Measures in the West and the Developing World:
>Soviet Active Measures in the "Post-Cold War" Era:
>Soviet Active Measures: Deception, Disinformation, and Propaganda:
>Viktor Suvorov - Inside Soviet Military Intelligence:
>Russian Secret Services' Links With Al-Qaeda:
>Inside the KGB - An interview with retired KGB Maj. Gen. Oleg Kalugin:
>Disinforming the Public:
>The KGB and Soviet Disinformation - An Insider's View:

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>why would the "Jews" be a golem of the KGB
You have it backwards user

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>"OUR SPECIAL SERVICES ARE ON THE TERRITORY OF THE FORMER UNION" - The FSB does the work for its Belarusian counterparts; the Secretary for Culture of the Russian embassy in Latvia is interested in NATO infrastructure:
>Beyond Propaganda - Soviet Active Measures in Putin's Russia:
>The Secrets of Russia’s Propaganda War, Revealed - An unauthorized reprint of a military intelligence handbook on psychological warfare gives insight into new propaganda troops:
>Modern Russian Psychological Operations (PSYOPS):
>"Russian Active Measures : Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow":
>"Active Measures: The Secret History of Disinformation and Political Warfare":
>"Dezinformatsia: Active Measures in Soviet Strategy":
>Yuri Bezmenov - Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society:
>Yuri Bezmenov - Deception Was My Job:

>Finland - Inside the Kremlin House of Mirrors:
>What Finland can teach the West about countering Russia's hybrid threats:
>Russia's use of Active Measures against Finland from the Winter War to the Present Day:
>Russian influence and intelligence are main national security threats in Finland:

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But this is what I'm asking because Bezmenov was suggesting that the KGB had inserted something into America that would endure and fulfill its purpose even after the fall of the USSR.
That means someone, somewhere has to be active in the way you suggest.
Anyway, I addressed it above.

Commies destroying the west with LBGTQ+ BLM Antifa Judeo apologetic agenda, what a surprise

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My current perspective is that the two overlapped. Jews were a weapon the KGB employed, but they were also part of the KGB and its purposes.
With the collapse of the USSR, the purpose of Russian state security deviated from the Bolshevik purpose, but the Bolsheviks are already inserted into the West completely.

Dude, executive summary. Come on.

don't wanna read? don't read.

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My problem with all this is that "Active Measures" is just a category of covert activity. It is identical to "operations" for the American paradigm.

I don't see the USSR as doing anything which was not also done by the West. I used to hear about them stoking communist rebels in shithole countries and thought "oh no" until I learned the US was already doing that even when no Soviet threat was present. It's just whatever generation warfare.

We're talking about wokism in 2020s here.
The problem is, wokism HATES Russia. Unless you want to tell me some banal "it's 5D chess though", I have trouble thinking the FSB is behind the subversion of American culture.

Hell, according to the left, FSB is behind Trump and god-awful things like American nationalism and a healthy American economy that puts America first.

It's a bunch of irrelevant history. It's just a hodgepodge overview of shit the KGB did. They did spy shit. Okay, big deal.

What's the connection to wokist cancer in 2020s?

I think it’s more likely the Chinese are using mentally ill westerners and chinese university students to subvert. Of course i’m biased as RU speaker but there aren’t hordes of Russians teaching gender studies in American schools

WOKE commies love Russia. wtf are you talking about?

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Bezemenov was literally a nobody who got payed to scare Midwestern rubes

Bezemenov posters are midwits

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>irrelevant history
fucking kill yourself

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>It's a bunch of irrelevant history.
you're an idiot

Irrelevant far left traditional marxists hate US/Western power, still brainwashed from the 80s and 90s that Western power is equivalent to global imperial capitalism.
They accurately see that Russia is a rival and opponent to global western unipolarity.
And for reasons of momentum and nostalgia they support Russia.

But, they are not the wokists. The woke left is pretty well integrated into finance and foreign policy, and hates Russia.

I see you kike.

Funny how you discredit him on an totally irrelevant topic, and fail to address the topic at hand.
What kind of person argues like this?

>yureddit bezmemov

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