Should you befriend left wing people?

do you think they’ll get it one day when they’re proven wrong?

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can you stop posting tranime?

And. And. And. And. And. And. /n deltree.exe

>should you befriend left wing people?
>do you think they’ll get it one day when they’re proven wrong?

No they're mentally ill and will do whatever to fuck you over to drag you to their pit of hell

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>left wing people
Americans arent people

Left vs right isn't a Boolean thing. It's a spectrum. Most people are ignorant or centrist. If somebody is aware of what the party is doing and still loyal to the party and what they do, I can't be friends with them. I'm also not right wing. I'm antiauthoritarian. I hate the modern left. I'm chill with classical liberalism people.

I had lifelong friends that slowly became more and more left leaning until they reached that level of delusion where not even logical reasoning makes sense to them, it was just orange man bad, etc.

At that point, I cut all ties and forgot I ever knew them and have never been happier not having to hear them winge about every little thing being someone else's fault, etc. I have a much smaller friend group, but all of us have our shit together and we kind of just do our thing and watch the world collapse without talking about it in public since we are all in our mid 30s and are self-employed, cops, doctors, lawyers, etc. that don't want to end up on a fucking tweet.

They will report you and snitch on you. They're mentally ill and wicked. Never talk to white women.

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just don’t say anything bad to be snitched on

>do you think they’ll get it one day when they’re proven wrong?

The left will never get it. They will never learn.

What do you mean by left wing?

When growing up I thought it was okay to have people as friends that you disagreed with politically.
Now I find it abhorrent.

So many of their positions mean that they are no longer human.
It's one thing to debate the validity of IQ.
It's also okay if you want to debate the pros/cons of a social safety net by using welfare.

But it's evil to believe that you and everyone you know should inject an untested vaccine against something that has no evidence of being worse than the flu.
It's also evil to vote for Biden as he is a literal pedophile.

The reason why Atheism has infected the left so heavily is because if there is an afterlife they will surely be punished for their crimes against humanity.

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left of center

I live in Seattle. I am already friends. Most of them only really half believe their bullshit, the others are legitimately ignorant about anything else. They have the most outdated ideas of what “racists” want or care about. They legitimately don’t know or get it.

>do you think they’ll get it one day when they’re proven wrong?
No, they're too far gone.

>do you think they’ll get it one day when they’re proven wrong?
That's not how leftism works. They primarily driven by emotions, this is why right wing ideas do not appeal to them. They are based in facts and reason, not emotional connection. Leftists do not care about murder statistics or the future trajectory of humanity because they believe that empathy and altruism will triumph (again because they are emotionally driven). Trying to argue a point with them based on facts and historical precedence is utterly pointless. Why do you think they start so young with college indoctrination and now with elementary school? Because children do not have the intellectual capacity to argue with logic and reason, they don't understand fallacies. Why is it that all leftist men are infantile? Because they were targeted as a child and have never had to emotionally mature and accept the world is a cruel dark place that can be brutal and they aren't safe. Instead of face the terror of life directly, they infantize and stay child-like. The entire premise of "proving" a leftist out of leftism is flawed.


Leftism is a religion. It is the only one where you have to have the exact same opinion as everyone else or you're not "real".

no, that's not how they arrived at their beliefs. They got them by conformity and seeking approval. They will never truly be your friend, but a stasi you hang out with for some reason

I enjoy left friends purely as it is a social media spectator sport


It's fucking hilarious to watch

Yeah, in fact I'm friend with hardcore leftist and moderate leftists, ranging from normal guy turned into a faggot with 2 years in an university, to the cute weirdo girl friend or the actual intellectual debating stuff (no durr durr u r nazi). It's not that bad, and it feels hilarious to be right and laugh at their nose.

But never show your true color to hardcore leftists.

That being said, the best way to keep infantilized men from maturing is to ensure they have no connection to themselves or their history. Without a way to self-reflect, a person cannot fully realize their responsibility and capacity. So a leftist man is told he is evil for being white, but an be good by hating white people and helping outsiders, by showing this altruism he can redeem himself. This of course is not actual altruism or generosity, it is a reward seeking behavior. This is the way a leftist man is trained and subjugated. He is rewarded with trivial prizes that only a child would appreciate, which he is mentally due to his conditioning. This same conditioning is also applied to conservatives and isn't exclusive to leftism but that's not really important because we're talking about liberals, just making a note of it. So lets get back on track. If you want to appeal to a leftist you must first redirect his conditioning and offer some kind of reward for being a good boy. This will vary from person to person so it's best to investigate this yourself.

Not if you can help it. Regrettably I have some friends who are left wing who I met years ago but I try to not befriend leftists nowadays.
> do you think they’ll get it one day when they’re proven wrong?
Leftism is basically a religion, they will die before admitting they are wrong and that their utopian ideas have wrought nothing but strife and shit.

They won't.

It's just a cult.

Once you have established a compelling reward for the man-child, you should then use it to reward him for consuming material he normally would refuse. Now you can start feeding information, nothing to offensive to his tastes but things that will make him question what he's been told. Are white people really as evil as they have been made out to be? No. Stay positive, only cover the good things whites/europeans/americans have done. Build a stable foundation that is inscrutable to him. This will take time as his conditioning has been a life long process and is not easily undone. If after some time you can even get him to admit he's questioning his leftist mindset, you've already made significant progress. If you continue this process it will inevitabely lead to the leftist dropping nearly all false indoctrination as it simply cannot be justified morally. But remember, a leftist will always be primarily emotionally controlled, not logically. He will revert to his leftist ways of think if left alone long enough due to how complete the leftist propaganda is in our society. In ending, it is a fruitless endeavor that is not worth the effort but can be done.

if you're gay go for it
but it'll be draining in every way possible

No, they will endlessly come up with more excuses. Eventually, when they find out your an extremist they will throw you under the buss in a instant.

They won’t get it in, maybe as the boot is crushing their face in the gulag they will finally get it