ITT: flyovers cope and seethe

California has the largest budget surplus of any state ever, $97 billion. It is not an exaggeration to say that it props up the US economy at this point, as every sector outside Californian tech is dying. It doesn’t even need other states that much, as California is the single largest agricultural producer in the union. It also has the best weather and the most beautiful geography.

But tell me again why California is shit.

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And yet every major city is filled with homeless

And yet crime is legal in SF

>muh agriculture
Too bad you've almost drained your water source, it's gonna make your desert agriculture real hard

A surplus is better than a deficit no doubt, but don’t fool yourself into thinking it won’t be utterly squandered

literally all california hate is unironically envy and greed once you look deeper.

envy and jealousy. I meant.


Don't import your culture on us


>commie faggots
>massive amounts of niggers and spics
>"lol ur jealous and envious"
Whatever helps you sleep at night, user.

I don’t believe there is a 97 billion dollar surplus in a state that is rotting from the inside out. And if there is, maybe you fucking idiots should spend some of it to fix that shithole

we have rain you don't die mad cali fag

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the people

If it's legal, how is it a crime?
Are the guns you own criminal?

i wish your diaspora (read as: trash who keep migrating to other, more sensible states) would come to your way of thinking and fucking go back whence they came.


we despise you because there are so many of you sloughing off and infesting our states.

Then fucking stay there

>after Silicon Valley has spent years stealing your data and making billions they finally let us have a few crumbs so HAHA WE'RE MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU

Californa could vanish overnight and nobody except Jews would care.

t. Born and raised Commiefornian

Yea, there's probably no reason why everyone is leaving right?

I just moved out of the Bay Area that place was a nigger shithole, constantly getting my car broken into, always had weirdos knocking on my door, surrounded by drug addicts, trash in some areas lines the streets. Go the fuck back to bed Mr. Chang

I'm sure you know a lot about it since you live in fucking australia. Go to bed Mr. Chang

You'll never get our water, faggot.

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>we despise you because there are so many of you sloughing off and infesting our states.

You're getting our poors.

Gas is in the sky, and most people cant afford housing in good neighborhoods... Wow, what a californian dream!! If you're not a billionaire theres no fun living in this place.

I keep hearing that everyone is leaving California but I don't see that at all. If Musk would take a couple million with him to Texas maybe Bay Area roads would stop turning into LA parking lots.


California, where the state has billions surplus and people shit in the streets and rob stores blind in broad daylight. Leftist utopia.

Shitskins aren't people, they're monkeys. California imported them as cheap labor for the corporations, security for their one-party state, and to embezzle money from the welfare programs necessary to keep them fed and housed.

Fact, Californian Nazis are the toughest Nazis. Flyover fags don't come close.

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Nah Indiana is better.

FUCKING BASED fellow Indiana bro

I kneel

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