Why are leftists so obsessed with sources for everything?

Why are leftists so obsessed with sources for everything?

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So they can laugh at you when you provide it

Because they don't know how to argue, don't know how to critically think and they think all facts and every single aspect of reality aren't self-evident but need to be decided by some higher up. Also in their minds it's a way of winning the argument. Regardless of whatever source you provide it will never be good enough.

Now it's this

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They don't actually care about sources because when you post a source they just ignore it

Except for when genetic Chad, nigger, tattooed degenerate, or feminist says 2+2=4. Then it's suddenly a fact.

Because leftwing bias exists in all the "sources" they seek.

10 years ago the first few replies to this kind of thread would have been


and eventually a

>c-c-c-combo breaker

but now it's just sad.

because leftists control all the institutions that establish credibility.

We just re-created the church and the inquisition but with a new label slapped on it.

>why do I have to prove what I say is true?
Dunning-Kruger in action

It's a disingenious tactic to tire you out. They will ask for sources endlessly while regurgating their conspiracy theories of white supremacism, systemic racism with NYT or buzzfeed as a source.

90% of people you speak to online just want to waste your time. They just go on and on asking idiotic questions because when you respond that means THEY WON! They ate up your time !
That’s why I only respond to a person ONCE .
Have a follow up point ? Too bad because you already wasted your one response asking For LE SOURCE

They don't want you to give an audience 2 and 2, letting them get 4 all on their own in their minds.
They want to interrupt your flow and give them a 2, then a bunch of names and sources, then another 2, then more names and sources... then the audience forgets what your point was.
Their personal tactic of debating is to give a 5 and a 3, then bombard the audience with quotes and citations, then "remind" the audience they gave them a 2 and a 2 which then, they tell them, equals 4 according to all those quotes and sources they just rattled off.

They are completely disingenuous and can't defend any of their own beliefs on their own merits.

Where is the American Hitler?

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You got a source for this claim bub?

Maybe after years of asking for proofs we should just believe the bullshit that 6 million of jews died in Germany.

Proof is the ultimate bullshit killer even for the retarded gibberish related to race and financial stability.

Because they have a monopoly and all their platforms use the same fact checkers that are funded by the same owners as the media.

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so they can waste your time. they don't actually care about facts or information referenced in any articles/studies, they'll just dismiss it as being a "rIgHt-WiNg cOnSpIrAcY ThEoRy" and shift the discussion toward some hyperbolic nonsensical BS that favors their extremist delusion. to them, it's not about being factually correct and taking a logical approach to a matter, they just want their side to fucking "win"

>Not posting the updated superior version.

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here is an example
I started smoking cigarettes at 12 years old
I am now like 27
I moved to vape around 3 years ago and my cardio is better than it used to be by far.

According to retards who never touched a cigarettes in their lives, I am talking shit because according to researches it is as bad.

I had this exact argument with a braindead cunt and to them peer-reviewed articles = absolute truths. It's a vicious circle because then you can't come up with new stuff that contradicts the peer-reviewed stuff because you have nothing to peer review it.

If you don't see a problem with this mindset you're braindead and modern academia is a jewish hoax.

spot on. its always done in bed faith as they'll never allow any credible source to persuade them.


Appeal to authority, and seeking to de-legitimize your argument vis-a-vis the source you provide

"leftists" will stop asking for a source the instant rightoids start telling facts and not russian propaganda verbatim

Addicted to logical fallacies. Sad, many such cases.


They're not sentient. They have to outsource their thinking to news articles and lack the ability to think critically.

>It's not your job to think. That's for the experts.

I have literally seen them say on multiple occasions in one form or another. They are totally oblivious to how vulnerable this makes them or conceive of the implications of what could happen if everyone started doing that.

Becuase they cannot reason or argument things to judge opinions/claims themselves, or it is a result of the current "expert" cult

all hail fauci

they may have no soul

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they worship authority

Khazarian mafia will be kill.Old name was "name stealers."They sacrifice children to moloch in pedo orgies for blackmail and cohesion within mafia
World goes through cyclical cataclysms,they want to control next cycle by surviving.They care not for the public/fabric of reality,they are not aware of(or delude themselves out of the realization)this existence being made manifest by the construct which God has made is so that simply creation may be
Passing of time shifts gears in the supra macro game and we are entering a time of "end of the world" which really just means all secrets will be revealed forcing the order to be remade with meritocracy;natural forces
Precious metals are natures way of giving us meritable sound money system hence why khazarians are against it
Doesn't matter if aliens/demons or whatever are influencing humans to not be virtuous you just need to overcome that influence with your own will.This is a distraction,
similarly the real shape of the earth is a distraction;round,torus,hollow,flat,dome,no dome: irrelevant.Become virtuous by your own
The looking glass AI bullshit website (bewareGLOW.AI) was made by analyzing schizo posts to try and lead people on a goose chase,the agreement is phony and merely attempting to trigger you,the only real law of existence is to not impose your will on others,if someone tries to force/slyfully convince/trick you to do something you dont want to do,they have violated this law and now you have the right to defend yourself equally and a bit more than the threat they posed,the site makes their lives forfeit(God/the fabric of reality will not punish you)for trying to take everything you have
Race baiting is non organic and always has been,from the beginning of this site the shills have armed a very specific attack in the form of racism,ie; there are bad people in every race,skin color,place of birth,gender etc,but not all are the same
They(glows, shills; evil coordinated inorganic posters)use understandings that are

Because Google is biased as fuck and only shows globohomo propaganda articles
So, anytime a leftist is confronted with an inconvenient truth, they can just Google it and they'll get a barrage of propaganda articles re-assuring them that everything is okay, they were correct, their opponents are racist or whatever

Literally just go look up anything on Google. Like if you show a leftist that blacks commit the most crimes. Google it and you'll just get articles "DEBOONKING" it actually sweetie white supremacy is the greatest threat, experts agree

true to gain support for things that are wrong.Example; Hitler was right,as in;the khazarians are the main issue destabilizing humanity's potential through greed,nepotism,subversive propaganda etc. BUT the way to stop this threat isn't by throwing low level NPC jews(not real khazars)into camps to die of starvation and disease(gas chambers=fake though there was human experiments)while you wage war on other innocents
The real two "main factions" fighting could be said to be(all high functioning)schizophrenic autists/good natured sociopaths(enlightened mushroom anons)vs sadistic narcissists and evil psychopaths(descended parasite fiends)
The first main root of subversive order of the khazars is all the religions from the middle east including their holy books. Then they took control of the financial aspect through the banking of Europe, they from then until now have worked towards controlling the militaries of all nations. This is where they have failed and the pendulum swings in the other direction

I am no Christian (modern)
But I do follow Christ(real Christian)
This game,this cycles victory was seeded
By Jesus, the first ultra based
Redpilled, redpilling user
Every meme you make, to enlighten
To free the minds of the public
Every laugh you give them
Is more christ like than any verse
We are in a spiritual war
A war for the consciousness of the public
As much as they are NPCs
Make no mistake, they are what makes me me
And you you
Without their blissful ignorance
It would not be fun
They are your family
They are us
I am you
We are 1
Defend them, make them see the real enemy,and you shall be rewarded in the next life more than you have imagined,but again,make no mistake,ALL lose their individuation,it's part of the game. The greatest gift is to be again

And to you who glow
Remember;betray that which makes all,
All that is
And your punishment isn't to pay in pain with fire/frost
It is to
Make your choices
or evil
Nothing more,nothing LESS

In my opinion it's the other way around.
Left-wingers tend to pull their arguments from Harry Potter and Star Wars.

It's usually right-wingers who provide but also demand solid scientific data, or at the very least statistics.

Usually that and basic logic is enough to be any libtard in a "debate".

Then again it's useless, most only accept Stephen Fry's QI as a "credible academic source".

Brainlet niggers.

Why can't right-wingers provide evidence?

purpose is to make sure nobody develops anything new.. imagine if one of there enemies was the source for new science, cosmology, or mathematics.. their system of control would fail.


Because they worship worldly authority

>muh source

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