I have over 300k in the bank currently from a court case I won a few years ago...

I have over 300k in the bank currently from a court case I won a few years ago. Should I honestly be worried about mass inflation setting fire to that 300k in the near future?

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You have 3-5 months to buy a good dip. Don't hold cash for longer than that.

Buy property dummy

Duh. Put that DCA into crypto. Right now you can be a top 50 doge bonk whale for around 9k if doge bonk returns to the ATH again and I think it will based on the cult following then you could have around 1 million dollars at the ath during the next bull run on a 9k gamble

Put 100K into Gold bullion (physical)
Put 50K into Silver bullion (as above)
^That's your hedge against inflation
Keep the other 150K in fiat if you want.

Why do people store their cats this way?

Commercial property

Invest in shit that is long lasting valuable like land, gold, masturbation stations, and mayonnaise.

Pretty sure they are used as molotow cat-tails

Attached: catbomb.jpg (500x300, 44.9K)

>Should I honestly be worried about mass inflation
put 100k in a Roth IRA, 100k in gold, 100k in ethereum...

>kept 300k in the bank for years

>I have in the bank
That means you have nothing.
Convert into physical assets idiot.

Invest it in a safe market (~4% rate)
You'll receive about 14.000$ per year in interest.

get a ledger x and a steel backup seed, get a IRA through a credit Union, and get gold at moneymetals.com/

>100k in ethereum

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>I have 300k
>should I be worried?
fuck off retard

The short term limit is worth $2k until more utility for transaction is deployed for merchants. I trying to push porn sites to accept crypto across the board hard. If the porn industry can deploy it so can any consumer merchant platform.

With 300k american dollars I would not look back, sell everything I have in the US and by the first ticket to Brazil. Your 300k is work atleast 1.5kk here, enought to buy a place for you to live confortably and 2 more to rent and live out of it. Then put your 500k reais in the bank into something called CDB and you will earn around 4k monthly (3x more than the mininum wage here) without doing zero, nada, niente all day. And you still have your two rents, don't forget. But you probably have something against Brazil, so fuck you gringo.

retard. buy into the currency of the future OP.

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if you have to ask it's already gone

buy 300k in oil barrels retard

kek. brilliant.

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with 1.5kk reais you can buy .05kkk Gibraltars. these are worth 45 nickledoots on the street. use the nickledoots to buy three of these bad boys and live comfortable

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Buy gold

They either let this happen housepricecrash.co.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/53593-credit-bubble-bursts-first-snows-of-k-winter/ (best long call ever?)
or they cut rates back down, start QE back up and this happens investopedia.com/terms/c/crackup-boom.asp
Option 1 they get to keep their fiat for a while longer plus have a higher chance of the public not lynching them because they didnt do their job by not raising rates to combat inflation.
Option 2, they get lynched prior to the final fiat collapse.

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i saw photos of this snake several times but i cant find anyone that sells this species
must be really rare