Why did Emma Watson age so badly?

Why did Emma Watson age so badly?

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she is a briton



You will never be a woman.

Maybe she is a cryptokike

Peaked in 2008, all downhill from there

god's curse

this user gets it. Same as with surprisingly many of the publicity figures.

she doesn't really look that different from 2014 and now?
But I am guessing she likely doesn't take proper care of her skin. Brits love roasting under the sun without understanding the implications.

2010 was peak
Her wavy hair is ugly

Not enough healthy brapping. If you hold in your braps the gas ages your bodies cells something like double the amount they normally would.

Every vaccinated person I know looks like they aged 5 years in the last year.


fpbp, user knows what he's talking about.

satanic rituals and demons sucking at her life force

> no longer finds child sexually attractive

Low bodyfat. Doesn't help brace the impact when hitting the wall.

Bling Ring Emma was the best don't @ me.

Alcoholism caused by external trauma in childhood

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drugs and alcohol


She hit
>pic related

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Veganism, skin literally falls off them because they aren't getting the vitamins for skin from meat

Peaked in...
>not pictured

This is an incel moment.

You may be wondering what an "incel moment" is, well here it is, defined.

-When confronted with interracial relationships, this triggers a primal urge in the incel. Half enraged, half aroused he is reminded by his own loneliness and the high desire to be in a meaningful relationship with a women. Protip, he never will

-When confronted by criticism of race and gender dynamics, wojacks, ad-homs will follow. The incel isn't educated so his immediate reaction is to rage and expose his white fragility

-Though he posts photos and memes about how he hates women, all he wants is to be with a women. The problem is, he's not attractive and never will be. Women avoid him like a plague so he attacks anonymously on the internet (notice how he's a complete coward).

-His response when he has no argument is typical "dilate", "nigger", "cope" "seethe" etc. You know when they post this, you've won and witnessed an incel moment.

-Deep down, they're extremely fragile and insecure. They've never really interacted with people outside of their own family so they've never developed proper intellectual and emotional relationships.

-Typically lean right, MAGA despite not really knowing anything about policy, history or society in general. They're obsessed with SJW's, women, minorities even though they don't know any. Easily brainwashed and indoctrinated. Youtubers like PJW, Milo & Steven Crowder have them changing their worldviews every video they post. They're unable to form coherent arguments but are overly emotional when it comes to issues. Notice phrases like "Political correction is destroying our media!" despite not giving any examples on set topics.

That's it folks, a quick guide to spot incel moments and incel rage. Pass it along.

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