Roe v Wade being overturned = Handmaid's Tale

We're living in handmaid's tale, it's time for a girl power revolution moment.

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Man. You'd have to want a baby pretty badly to fuck this chick.

Nice buzzwords, what shithole community did you come from

NOTHING scares a modern feminist then the IDEA of being a mother!

Attached: Blue_Eyes.jpg (1080x1080, 129.72K)

Jesus Christ, that's really the best picture they had of this woman?
I wouldn't hit that with Biden's dick


She's a scientologist. No way she got anywhere on her own.

The Handjobber's Tale? Because that's all they will be able to do now that they can't get knocked up.

>we are loving in handmaidens tale

>give me an ugly woman looking angry
>this will make people watch our TV program

This is the future of AmeriKKKa, heroic women will reclaim it.

>I can't murder my babies with federal funding

I wish the Handmaids tale was real

Say what you will, but I've wanted to swipe Elizabeth Moss's ass crack with my nose since Mad Men

Fuck Any Forums and fuck god. Women's bodies are theirs alone.

She wasn't bad in West Wing either.
But this picture, is it really the best they could find?

Powerful women will revolt and change AmerKKKa

all I've really seen of this show is the first couple minutes which is like a prologue chapter. spoiler alert, she was a nigger fucker before the revolution. she would have been roped irl, not genetically propogated. jewcommie shits know absolutely nothing about the people they hate

You are a sick man.

>unlimited abortions might not happen in every single state in America so that means we're living in a literal dystopia like this one shitty fantasy novel written by a barren Canadian feminist

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>west wing
lol of course, her entire career has apparently been leftist pornos

I want a stick and a license to beat the harlots.

Jubilant defiant amazons will chase down and kill every last patriarchal Any Forumsturd. You're the Voldemort of our reality.

What does it mean?

kek based poo, you get flushed last on the Day of the Loo

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>women rise up and try to overthrow government
>government makes it legal to kill said women

Oh noes that would be bad.

god damn that broad is ugly

I wanted to watch this movie but turned it off after the opening scene of her missing her black baby/family. Utterly kiked

how was temple last saturday?

A summary of a hand maidens tale by a polfitizen

>What I expected
An oppressive society to learn a perspective on what seems like a Utopia but is actually a dystopia.

>what I read
A thot who keeps screaming “WHY WONT HE FUCK ME!” Better support the rebels.

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