Violence doesn't solve anything

Is about the most cucked saying in existence. Often used by women too, worst advice that's given to little kids. When they get bullied reality smacks them in the face anf they're unable to deal with it because only a bigger threat of violence will end the bullying
Violence and fear are end of the line strategies always used when words aren't cutting it.
You pay your bills because of the fear of consequences if you don't. You keep avoiding payments they violently enter your home and take your stuff with brute force. The government lapdogs will outnumber and overpower you and drag your ass in jail.
In jail power of fhe fittest matters even more, mess with the wrong persons or don't get acquainted with the right group and you're prey
Fear is constantly used to back all your fake rights and democracy, in the end it's always the fist that strikes last because it's the only thing that people understand.
Every being understands a smack to the face and usually it sets them straight in an instant
Therefore you must train mind AND body if you want to be a complete man, weakness is absolutely pathetic
All your debates and insults hold zero value and vanish in a coma if someone like me breaks your jaw
>fuck you crack-ACK !
>I'm calling the poli-ACK!
Yeah call the police who use violence, if you have time to even make the call after I twist and break your fingers lol
How embarrassing that someone like me could literally beat you to death by using just one arm, just imagine the scenario.
Absolutely infuriating, what's your excuse Any Forums?

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Did you make this post just to get vanity compliments from polcels?

holy fuck that's so deep bro

تم فلترت الحائط الكتابي

In your case, you will be begging for human rights and democracy instead of violence with that pencil hand ;)

What was originally meant was that the injudicious and uncalculated use of violence solves nothing. Punching a guy bc he looked at you funny often simply benefits the victim or hurts you (he sues you, or you get arrested), so there is no reward outweighing your risk. However, we observe that authorities carefully plan and use violence (or the threat of) to work their personal/political will on others. So clearly, the issue is simply, is what will be gained greater than what is risked? This is wisdom.

Nice baby gains.

Wow, is that a 14 inch bicep? You must get all the girls.

post arm or admit this pencil hand could kill you

It's also absolutely pathetic how LITERALLY 99% of the men who go to my gym are foreigners, mostly arabs and blacks
Whitoids rarely even bother coming after dark. When you do see one you can usually tell it's some type of Balkan chad
Belgians are incredibly weak people.


It's true, and only someone weaker than you would try to tell you otherwise in the hopes you are stupid enough to fall for it.
At the end of the day, all power derives from violence. The weaker side usually just yields before it actually escalates to that point because they know they'd have no chance of winning.
No amount of "smart" arguments, righteous superiority or whatever other cope they might come up with can do anything in the face of superior violence.
The stronger side might even be genuinely wrong about it, and yet they'd still win if they decide to escalate the violence.

Blame this nigger. THE most violent man in the head.

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i love violence
i have started to attack the degenerate junkies around me instead of just ignoring them
im growing more powerful

You are correct, if you have a gun and self-protection laws violence doesn't solve anything because no matter the bicep or whatever you are equal

Force is the supreme authority. All other authority is derived from it.

Hans or Mehmet here gets it.
The best Eurocucks could come up with against Russia- and in a typically position of weakling bureaucrats who never fought once in their life but wanted to act tough for a moment- was 'sanctions' LMAO
While the real threat that trumps everything and nobody dares to match or go against it is violent annihilation by nukes.

Valid argument. I thought it's impossible to talk to Russia - its just that they use a different language. It's not a Russia problem that we tried to communicate using western liberalism. This is Europe's chauvinism, refusing to speak in the way Russians are accustomed to and do understand - violence.

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Im ready to become a man.
Should I got to Any Forums now?

Sand niggers in your cities always run in groups because they're skinny and weak by themselves, but at least they understand that they will usually win and that their power is greater when they are with many.
The individualistic Euroid just crosses the street like a little bitch when he spots them from a distance
Governments try to pacify and make men weak and keep them divided with diversity because we would end their charade instantly if angry men got together and rebelled in greater numbers.
French revolution etc.
Violence always has the last word

I am quite fit but i don't train any martial arts or anything. Feel to old to start with it now. Ive been in fights and can handle myself but someone who really knows what he is doing would whoop my ass.

threat of violence is the fundament of every civilization

Violence is the mother of all virtues.

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>Im ready to become a man.
>Should I got to Any Forums now?

Violence isn't the answer. It's the question. The answer is yes.
>worst advice that's given to little kids.
True. The anti-violence propaganda is a huge factor in why so many millennials grew up to be total fags.

Nothing has ever been achieved without violence.

>Might is right
Is obviously a law of nature.
So is
>Strength in numbers
So I guess it's necessary to learn to get along with others too, isn't it user?

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There are 50 year olds in my MMA club doing fine, a few are more dangerous than the 20 year olds. They do fine so long as they're at the gym training the rest of the week. My first BJJ instructor taught classes (that he participated in, and it hurt doing ukemi for his lessons) until he was 70. Go lift regularly for 6 months, then find a class.

>battles are fought at the individual level

Hans, although given the absolute state of my landsman, I can understand why you'd consider Mehmet.
You are right though, this
>you can be smart or strong, but not both
mindset is absolutely killing our civilizations. It does not matter if you are smart and can propose the superior solution when some 80IQ subhuman just cracks open your skull and then continues to do whatever he wants.
Intellect must be backed up by strength, because only if you're of at least equal strength to your opponent can you enter an argument on equal grounds where your intelligence might matter.

Cute arm OP

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Looks like the hrt is working, gratz, "dude"

>posts gains
>shills suddenly feel demoralized and stfu
I love these threads haha

No one here disagrees with you, but violence is the stupidest answer. Id rather not be known as a pig headed asshole that is incapable of simple dialogue

You are absolutely right.

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>blah blah blah
>I'm tough goy
>blah blah blah
>I'm tough goy
Cope nigger.

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>because only a bigger threat of violence will end the bullying
And when does it ends ? That's what dumb aggressive people don't understand.
When the world if full of people like you, some twice your height and weight ready to gouge out your eyes because you didn't want to give them a cig. Will you be happy ?

That's definitely not the point that's he's making. It's like the NAP, the expression is. Great on paper, but then, in reality, it's just paper. Sometimes it's better to break the other guys jaw when he's obviously coming to break yours. Strike first, strike often

>Violence is the supreme authority by which all other authority is derived.

Tbh I didn't read it though.