
Is segregation the only peaceful answer?
This is how I see things as a high IQ (at least in black standards) black user

Black and whites did not evolve together. We’ve only recently been forced together and expected to coexist in a society.

The average black IQ is 80.
The average white IQ is 100.

Who’s fault is this? No one but nature.
Black people struggle to provide value to society due to their cognitive limits. White people get to experience a world that’s out of reach for the average black.

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Imagine bitching about your own privatw entrance

There is no political solution, there is no peaceful option

What ever happened to Liberia?
I heard that's what one could expect of a nation based on the USA but it's entirely populated by blacks

Leaving them in their black places, like Africa, the Caribbean, and other black areas. They should not be in European areas, because they were brought over by non-Europeans.

Honestly. I don’t think we’d get anywhere without culling the low IQ dogs. Like, the niggers are useless and only exist to destroy and do crime. Unless the blacks with souls could group together and agree to do that, I don’t see any hope for a black only civilization.

We cannot accept savages at all.

As long as we can get them out, I don't care what browns do to each other.

It shouldnt be mandated but nor should it be penalized. If you want to be left alone among your own people the government cant tell you who to associate with, work with, live among.

Something I don't get about far right
If you are so obessed about IQ then why do you segregate based on race?
Why not segregate based on IQ? You really prefer to live with 90 IQ whites over 110 IQ blacks?

Because I think deep down you know how the results will go, as there are far more blacks than whites, or will be in near future, so even if black iq is lower by sheer numbers there will be more blacks with iq over 100 than whites with iq over 100

They just need to be set back in order
There used to be a time they lived lives in immitation of the standard working man with complete and nuclear families but in that sense they segregated too much and that whole element of their lives broke down and dissapeared

Good you asked
The diffrence isn't the most in IQ but in the differences of brain physiology and even bone structures (cranial shape) between races
Between races diffrent parts of the brain develop to different levels
It is already widely known that two diffrently thinking peoples often don't get along well

So the issue is not IQ at all. You rather live with dumb whites over smart blacks. Because even smart blacks are incompatible with white values

There is of course only a certain extent to that as i myself also can't stand the retarded or undetstand the overly smart
But down to how one reacts on a instinctive level to certain svenarios can differ between the races
Also it's true to be said that you trust and are more trusting and trustworthy towards people who look more like you

Segregation will just lead to the same shit that happened in America, South Africa, and elsewhere. The only real solutions are balkanization or war.

It's the genes, dumdum. Above average blacks don't necessarily produce above average offspring.

Eh, kind of; the US doesn’t have the neighbors that Liberia does, and the American-style constitution was written for high IQ moral whites, so…I guess it might’ve been better if they weren’t surrounded by cannibal savages.

It’s up to y’all, then. This was a society built by whites, for whites, which is the same as every other society in the sense that it was built for a specific people. I don’t think blacks have ever felt at home here, which is probably why they don’t give a shit about preserving it. Why should they? It’d be like a chink bitching about how Nigeria isn’t Chinese enough.

No one really cares about anyone else but their neighbors, let’s be real. I wish more people would just admit that all their bumper stickers about cuz oppressed group are just virtue signaling for facebook likes.


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Yes not necessarily but more often, that is exactly how genes work, smart people tend to produce more smart people than dumb people, but not always.
Which is why I find your arguments about IQ not genuine. You don't care about IQ or rather you only care about it to confirm segregation that is it. No white nationalist would prefer to live in a society with 120 black iq over 90 white iq, but then again why should they they are white nationalists after all.

whether anyone likes to admit it or not we have widespread segregation in this country, still.
and yes it's the only way we can live together. get over it, jamal

I didn’t say they aren’t genuine; they are, but I think it’s a mistake to make in Only about IQ. That’s retarded; there’s plenty of high IQ whites that are total pieces of shit, and I know a bunch of room-temp IQ dopes that are trustworthy, decent folk. Blacks never gave a shit about this society, sustaining it, building it, or whatever. Nor should they; as I said before, it’s not for them, was never supposed to be. If races mix in any way, there must be total assimilation For the very few that are let in.
I have to hand it to the commies, for all the shit they get on pol, they kept western degeneracy out of the eastern block, for the most part. Good for you.