Twitter trannies are begging Musk to buy them, he has them on the ropes

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sounds like they're gonna need to cut him a better deal since there's so many fuking bots (ooh big surprise)

There. Are. No. Bots.

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Sick political theatre bro. Trash neoliberal oligarch nigger lover elon musk.

lol cry hohol

I saw one of these, and then when I clicked on the account, it was just some MAGA roastie who'd obviously tried to make "muh shills" work.

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Worst acquisition ever.

Lol Elon Musk signed a contract that said there might be 5% bots but it could be more. Musk didn't do any research or ask for internal nonpublic data before signing. He will have to pay both the $1 billion breakup fee and then will be sued by Twitter if he doesn't buy.

Musk is a literal retard lol

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they wont enforce shit, elon will just buy up all the shares when the stock plummets

>5% bots but it could be more
I think Twitter declared it has max 5 % bots. The product does not match what was advertised. A price adjustment is due. One of the most expensive haircuts in history.

>Sick political theatre
Isn't that your entire nation? A proxy territory that exists for the sole reason of allowing foreign powers to further their own agendas?

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>enforce the merger
There was no "merger" proposed. Musk intended to do a buyout. The two are wholly unrelated.
>enforce the merger
Musk is doing his "due diligence" which means the buyer is getting financial and customer information that he would not have had access to before the proposal.
Then he gets to decide if the business is worth the offered buyout price based on that information.
If not, he can either of kill the deal, or offer a reduced price.
A target of a buyout cannot "force" the purchaser to complete the transaction before there is an actual agreement to buy the business and the due diligence is done
t. 30 years as a business lawyer

So he'll spend $10 billion on worthless shares and will keep plummeting? Why is that a good thing to do?

Eat shit rootless mutt cosmopolitan.

That’s not how it works niggers. Nice cope though.

No Elon already signed the deal. He surprisingly didn't do due diligence before hand. Reuters reported this recently. They will be suing him now, and he will settle out of court

musk has twitter on a leash and he drags twitter around like a whore by the hair

Twitter said on their SEC filings there were less than 5% bots you uneducated faggot. Go back to flipping burgers and stop pretending like you know the first thing about corporate acquisitions you dumb hick.

Shouldn't you be defending your country?

>it took only $1 billion to completely destroy Twitter
Sounds like an excellent trade.

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You have a cancellation fee for the exact purpose of not getting into lawsuits. It's the agreed upon amount by both parties in the agreement to cancel the contact. There is nothing to sue over.

Die slow irrelevant hohol ;)

The focus on bots was always a bit weird.
I suspect Elon pressured by his financiers to get a lower price, and this was his attempt.
Naturally, Twitter's optimal strategy is take it or leave it at $54.20
I suspect Elon will take it anyways.

It is a signed deal contingent on due diligence you retarded leaf. Like when you sign a purchase agreement for a house contingent on an inspection.

Elon fucked around with Twitter
But twtr poked holes in the condom

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Their agendas are over, how will they disarm us after we beat Russians lol. You think radicalized soldiers will owe you?
Ukraine in it's current state really is as based as the tankies and russiamutts seethe it is. Ideally as a vehicle to accelerate global thermonuclear racewar.

>I'll just keep saying bullshit that makes no sense
Twitter has claimed in SEC filings for years that they have at most 5% bots. It's a securities fraud issue, retard

They dont have a choice. The SEC will be sending the board to prison if the deal fails and the real number of bots is discovered through an investigation. The boards entire future hinges on the deal closing.

All full FirstLast name
All Thispersondoesnotexist avatars
All same exact reply to every letter
They aren’t even trying to hide it

We are going into a 1929 style depression... his worth is almost entirely in tesla stock, it's just play money at that level. All this value is imaginary anyway and will evaporate

The Commie fucks on the board intentionally lied to the SEC. Who are the retards exactly?

LoL, contracts only work in my favor, not in yours chud. Stick to cutting off your own penis retard, stick to what you know...

kek I didn’t know $TWTR was so fragile

"Hate speech". Basically anything factual about these disgusting monsters gets that label. What can possibly be said about them that is positive?
They smell nice?
They have nice families?
They are pretty?
They are valued members of humanity?
They are 59% OK?

I know what Delta is, but what is Sugma and Ligma? Anybody know?

>He surprisingly didn't do due diligence before hand.
Buyers often don't do "due diligence" before they make an initial offer - note that word "initial" you retard
The reason is that a business will not hand over confidential data to any mope or potential competitor that knocks on the door
Here's you:
>musk muh billionaire
>dumb enough to sign a contract without having lawyers look at it
Get a clue and listen to your betters every now and then, maybe you'll learn something

Are you a potato? If the deal isn't what the seller said it was, the sale is void (or renegotiable.) If Twitter is really just a fuckton of bots and about twelve trannies on any one day, that is not what was being sold.

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why is this tread full of retards?
>We have x amount of customers
>you lied, fraud invalidates contract

Yeah, any time now.

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you need to go back

>Elon’s a retard because twitters leadership is a bunch of lying kikes


Fraud is legal now if you're a powerful lobby or company, look at the jabs

NGL this is some kind of Jewish astral plane fight and it's fascinating.

So, in your brain, twitter presented a deal with falsely filed SEC information, and that is okay and no way puts twitter in the wrong on this deal lmfao you fucking moron

>The boards entire future hinges on the deal closing.
I suspect but don't know for a fact that when Musk made the initial offer and the Board of Directors rejected it out of hand, they got an almost immediate in-person visit from the CEO of their Directors&Officers liability insurer asking them what the fuck they're doing not accepting a reasonable, rich offer.
pic related

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Take note dumb frog posters.
You're part of the problem.
Btw when was the last time you read an intelligent reply with a frog attached to it? To me it was never the case.

Valuable and informative.
Fukk Twitter. I got banned for being a "Russian bot". So not only do they have innumerable bot accounts, they ban people as "bots" that don't follow the shitlib party-line. I hope Musk fucks every lazy Pajeet in the ass. The people at Space X and Tesla work their balls off. He can apply that methodology to the Pajeets and they'll beg to be sent back to their Bombay slum.

>he spent a tenth of his fortune over someone making fun of him on Twitter
are you genuinely this mentally ill???

Best case scenario is that Twitter shitlibs get laid off en masse and Musk loses a ton of money on this.

>5% might be more
Said no contract ever.

>we will outsmart elon musk
not a huge fan of elon, but what a stupid idea

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Law man, what happens if Musk goes to SEC?
5% bots'n shit

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This potato seems to think that's how it went down.

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Oh look, a retarded leaf post. Sure don't see these that often.