40$ bill for crying

Explain this americans. In what kind of twisted nightmare are you living? I thought you had weapons to fight against tyranny

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i heard some American in last thread that this was because they will haggle with insurance company and then the end price will be like 90% lower.

Most people going to the hospital cant/won't pay at all. The state pays their bills at a discount. They raise their rates to compensate. Americans who actually pay their bills are the ones hurt. It's exactly the same as universal healthcare.

Maybe. But that sounds so utterly retarded from start to finish that I'm in awe

Oh. That’s so much better then.

It's the exactly same yes lmao

7 years ago I had a cyst removed from my cock with anesthesia for free. They also gave me a sandwich and glass of orange juice for some reason. The only bad part was having my dick examined by several elderly men prior to the surgery.

i removed several sebaceous cysts on my own at home with some cocaine and a sterilized exacto knife and forceps, scars dont even show anymore unless you stretch my scrotum. a girl saw them one time when we were having sex and said 'gross' out loud and it fucked with me so thats why i did it.

My brother's wife ...
She had a baby
Got infection and stayed in bed for 3 nights
The baby had issue breathing and needed to be transferred to special room for 2 more nights
My brother paid about 2000 usd with no insurance

What's the problem? You pay just as much to cry to your therapist. If you're going to tie up a medical professionals time with an emotional outburst then you should pay more.

everything should be free
no more prices everyone get what they want

It is true, they put down what they can and make people/insurance companies fight to et them off, but doesn't make it less shitty of a practice. That said, don't go to the hospital unless you need a certain procedure done

Having experienced healthcare in both US and Canada the US system is objectively better.
Here I am waiting a month+ for a fucking phone call with my family doctor who just ends up telling me to take advil or some shit anyway.

yes, we are entitled to other's labor.

Lol that's like the time I removed a wart from my hand. Used alcohol and a hobby knife and just cut it out. Didn't know those things had a root until then.

I can usually get in to see my doctor the same day.

>who just ends up telling me to take advil or some shit anyway.
Although I also experience this type of shit.
I've seen him use his doctor google to look up shit more than a few times.

wow not bad. big fan of what your people are doing. stick it to em.

Yes, 90% better, you stupid fucking ape

I don’t go bankrupt when I need assistance

This. They got off cheap. Never seen anybody who charges less than $90/30 minutes to listen to you bitch/cry.

its pure unadulterated greed that was praised by the populace at its time of installment despite being tested at the state level and failing miserably

It's universal health care designed to be as profitable as possible

man i woke up a few months ago in severe agony, felt like a giant fart needed to come but could not get out. went straight to emergency and a few hours later had surgery for an obstructed bowel.
totally saved my life. was free, those surgeons are heroes and the hospital nurse giving me opioids were so kind, so glad to be here and would not swap it for any amount of guns