Aboriginal Australians

I have been wondering this for a while now, are Abos even human? I never see a truly civilized Abo, they are always drunk or high sitting in circles screaming at each other, today I was in a public restroom in the city and some abo was outside and was kicking all the cubicle doors. What do you guys think, human or sub-human

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the jury is out on this one

Don't be rama rama you bigot.

Our ancestors should've killed them off while they had the chance and established a true white ethnostate

abos story thread now, bonus point if stabbing

>he thinks its too late.
dunno if you've been paying to the vaxx deaths....

Is it true that they were considered fauna until 1965 in Australia?

They are your ancestors too. You do know it.

One race the human race.

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Your race.

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Hey fuck you racist cunt.

Do the rama rama dance

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>they are always drunk or high sitting in circles screaming at each other,
Sounds like gypsies to me

Sadly no, they just weren't counted in the census

>The custom of raping Aboriginal children, eating “every second child” and making the older children also eat them is termed “a quite favorable picture” by Roheim.96 Mothers regularly forced their children to eat their newborn siblings “in the belief that the strength of the first child would be doubled by such a procedure.”97 Sometimes the fetus would be “pulled out by the head, roasted and eaten by the mother and the children” and sometimes “a big boy would be killed by the father by being beaten on the head” and given to the mother to eat.98 Since most newborns in the Pacific area, from Hawaii to Tahiti, were murdered by their mothers,99 and since their siblings were forced to participate in the killings, all adults had Killer Mother alters implanted in their amygdalan fear networks which they were compelled to reenact. Hippler says Australian children “attacked infants unceasingly” while “the mother rarely intervenes…Children’s attacks become so common that one often hears adults saying ‘Don’t kill the baby.’ But no one interferes and the child is increasingly made subject to violence and stress.”100 He also says “children are abused by their mother and others…routinely brutally…jerked roughly, slapped or shaken…verbally abusive using epithets such as ‘you shit’ [frightened by] a dangerous world full of demons, though in reality the real dangers are from his caretakers…children are terrified to leave the presence of their mothers.”101 Fusion with the Killer Mother is guaranteed by all these practices, plus the mother’s choking the infant with her milk during nursing, the constant masturbation by mother of her children’s penis and vagina while she lies on top of them, twisting and pinching them as we saw was the practice in New Guinea.102

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>The mutilation of young girls’ vaginas is also practiced by the Aboriginals, “in which old men roll emu feathers with a loop of hair. This device is put into the vagina and then removed, pulling away a large part of the womb. The rest of the womb is then cut horizontally and vertically with a stone knife. When this wound is healed, the girl is then circumcised and made to have intercourse with many young men. The mix of blood and semen is collected and given to frail tribesmen as a fortifying elixir.”103 Again, the fusion with the Killer Mother’s blood is imagined to increase the strength of the male who is uncertain of his masculinity. Males marry many wives and even rape their own daughters104 in order to fortify their masculinity, and fathers often have “boy-wives” to absorb some of their maleness.105 It is not surprising that with both boys and girls “almost their only, and certainly their supreme, game was coitus,” particularly “licking the vagina of girls” to increase their strength.106 Gang raping is constant among Aboriginals, as it is in all tribal cultures.107 Roheim calls the constant rape of Aboriginal children “far more ‘normal’ than the sexuality of the European male” since “their repression of sexuality need not be as deep as it is among Europeans.”108

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>The initial ritual of Aboriginal boys is accomplished by throwing them into a trench called “The Old Woman” with a bull-roarer called “The Mother” (her womb), repeating their birth by going through a birth tunnel with an umbilical rope attached, being covered by “the menstrual blood that can cause you to die,” and then sub-incising them with “a slit made on the underside of his penis” that is said to create a powerful vagina.109 The men then have intercourse in the split on the underside of the penis, “like a split-open frankfurter.”110 Equipped with a vagina and with the powerful blood of the “Old Serpent Woman” who roams the desert in search of people to eat, warriors go out to kill anyone they can find, living “in dread of enemies” who are Killer Mother serpents, creating Faked Provocations of some fancied wrongs that might justify the killing, either individually or in small groups. Many Australian tribes ate their dead enemies, including their neighbors, though “not for the sake of food.”111 Australian Aborigines also “never neglect to massacre all strangers who fall into their power.”112 “Men, women and children are massacred indiscriminately.”113 A majority of adult men are killed by homicide and over a quarter are killed in warfare.114 These patterns have not changed in millennia: “fighting scenes are extensively depicted in Aboriginal rock art dating back at least 10,000 years.”115 When childrearing doesn’t change, economies and cultures do not change.

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more abo redpills

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In aboriginal dream time stories, they believe that humans were created by a race of reptilians. They believe that the first man was carved out of dirt (clay) by a humanoid reptilian.

Not a lot of people seem to know this. The story is older than 20k years. It predates Judaism.



We are their ancestors. Like Ukrainians are yours.

I think humanity is a gradient, not a pure cut off. They're a much more primitive human who is unable to adapt to a new habitat. If you were to drop me or you in the wilderness of Australia with no tools and ask us to survive, we'd die pretty quickly. Ask them to, and they thrive for fifteen thousand years. Them attempting modern society is like asking a bird to file paperwork. It doesn't understand on a fundamental level and never will no matter how many times you have it watch training modules.

Aboriginals believe that Mangar-kunjer-kunja, a shapeshifting reptilian, carved man from clay.

It’s rather complicated in your country. Hard to distinguish, who is an Abo, and who is Irish in your camptry.