How do you rationalise honest debate when "they" don't give a shit about you and will likely never change?

How do you rationalise honest debate when "they" don't give a shit about you and will likely never change?
Do you even entertain the free marketplace of ideas anymore?

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Why do you think wars happen, user?

The "free marketplace of ideas" cannot exist because hatespeech can't be tolerated. If you allow evil and hateful speech those who use it will use violence to suppress the people with the correct opinions. Therefore, although it is ironic one must be intolrant towards hate speech to protect tolerant speech.

The time for debate is over.

Bitch into woodchipper.

You convince the populace not your political opponents. But people are retarded and dont change their vote much. White men are the only retards who sway back and forth from democrats to republicans. If white man would just stick to their guns and vote red we wouldn't have these fucking problems.

You might be at war but we're being dragged into your one which ultimately is ruining us at behest of our own rulers.
In a just world we'd be at war with our governments but they have a plan for that, and it's an international insurance government for rebellion.

The time of debate is dead. So what comes after? Acceptance?
Any attempt to be remotely aggressive is construed as the activities of a saboteur or infiltrator, and there's reason to believe that - it's all so tiresome.
It's demoralising to an extreme.
What is the future, tomorrow's dream unfulfilled?

There is nothing but the decentralised complex and the echo chamber to retaliate. Collectivism is poisoned to a point of distracting redundancy, like endless shilling about Nick Fuentes on a forum where the difference-makers rarely ever visit.

The "intolerance of intolerance" is definitely ironic. These people don't really care about the people whom they claim to help, but rather, they care about having power over someone else.

American society is a mess; people identify themselves more on what they consume than anything else (as opposed to being Americans) and will gladly steal from their neighbors for the sake of "proving a point."

who gives a shit what "they" think. what matters is what average plebs think. attacking some retarded tranny online, or shooting up a shopping center of random nogs isnt gonna sway popular opinion in your favour just like puberty blockers and 250 pound trans "women" beating the shit out of women in sport doesnt do the left any favours. its a constant battle for both sides to just not be complete fucking weirdos lol.

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Is this bait or so you actually believe this? I would wager that most crimes are not hate crimes, nor perpetrated by people who use "hate speech." Plenty of crimes are crimes of opportunity or random acts, so your premise that just because someone uses mean words means they'll justify or commit violent acts falls apart. It isn't grounded in reality.
Gotta be bait.

my debate starts with me loudly proclaiming the N word, then going back to the trunk of my car and getting my loaded ak

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The women in the sports themselves rarely speak up, you think the populace cares that much, outside of people who already have their minds made up?

are you asking me to repeat myself?

The notion of debate between enemies is a neo-liberal delusion. Debate requires mutual understanding on a plethora of fundamentals. Without that fundamental mental kinship, the so-called debate becomes nothing but a word-twisting match which often devolves into posturing and name-calling.

Those who can't tell the difference have the minds of dumb children.

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You've already lost the battle when you try to talk to someone who has been indoctrinated my dude. If they use phrases or words such as "white privilege", racism, nazis, misogyny or any other buzzwords like this. Just don't talk to them. Simply nod your head in silent agreement and maybe throw out a few statements that they will also agree with. They are fucking retarded and will just get angry or probably try and tell on you like a fucking 12 year old. It's not worth trying to talk sense into these "people."

The Zombie apocalypse has ALREADY HAPPENED! You were just so stupid you thought it meant that people would literally come back from the dead.

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Build for BRC


We have been at war in the west for a long time now. The social contract is destroyed, and it's really only momentum and a complicit and corrupt media that has kept it from going hot. I hate the right wing almost as much as the left. Mainly because they refuse to accept that these people are our enemies. Their Christian bs guilt won't allow them to see anything clearly. Because of this, the rest of us are forced to put up with the constant gas lighting of the left and their media stooges. The left at least understands that this is war. And they approach it accordingly.


kill yourself you fucking faggot kike

Hate speech doesn't exist faggot.