What the fuck was his problem?

Seriously, why are germcucks so autistic?
Why did he decide he has to turn christianity into the clusterfuck it is today?

Attached: luther.jpg (1200x1200, 189.57K)

He didn't like the sexualisation of young boys in confession boxes.

>dedicate your life to religion
>visit the top of the chain of command
>it's all a degen bs business model
>they wont let you in
>rekt them
>later rekt the ones that help you rekt them
yea he turned out a cunt

He didn't want people to buy stairway to heaven, he wanted them to work for it. Also he hated jews.

He could have joined Orthodoxy or something but he was, quite simply, just evil and spiteful.

Germans can’t help but ruin Europe over and over again

it was already a clusterfuck after the schism

Starting to believe germans are a bigger threat to Europe than jewish elites.
>be Hitler
>take nationalism and traditional values to the extreme
>start ww2
>be such an autistic retard that you make millitary decisions instead of trusting generals
>lose the war like as if he did it on purpose
>Completely destroy and vilify everything traditional. Everything good and pure is viewed as evil fascism by the left
>Society start to fall apart not long after ww2
Germans are by far a worse threat than Jews

He was jewish/slavic.

Hitler was austrian.

So was Hitler, right?

He opposed usury and corruption. Any Forums is spiritually very much like Luther.

same exact fucking thing, lmao

He also liked cuckolding so yeah.

So you're German, seeing as how you used to be part of austria.

No, austrian.

Usury is supposed to be banned in Christianity. It was banned even before the Great Schism and still held to be a sin. I don't know when it became acceptable, but it's still a sin.

>Everything good and pure is viewed as evil fascism by the left
But it was always that way.

>Usury is supposed to be banned in Christianity.
Why does pol believe this? Excessive usury was banned, interest wasn't. The first banks were Christian, which only changed after the French Revolution when Jews used the money they got from pillaging French churches to enter the banking sector.

>why does pol
>believe this?
Because usury is a sin.

>justified cope
This is how we ended up in a bad situation. Usury is a sin.

That is true. I began to read Mein Kampf and Leftist in 1910s Germany where actually very simmilar to the leftists today. But now leftist can shut down anything that goes against their narritive by saying it is fascist, nazi, white supremacy, antisemitic etc. The right-wing would be a lot more powerful if the war would have not happened. Antisemitism was the norm before the war and people where sick of Weimar degeneracy. Now it is spread all over the world minus pedophilia, maybe, altrough there is an attempt to normalize it.

Luther was a cryptokike and the Reformation was a jewish psyop in response to the Alhambra Decree
Luther was tasked with stirring up shit in the Habsburg lands and taking down the Fuggers