He literally brings nothing but good to this country

He literally brings nothing but good to this country
>Fixed the economy
>Reduced unemployment, who is as its lowest since 2008
>Unironically reduced immigration, albeit by a slight margin
>Sound foreign policy, neither bowing down nor being irrationally aggressive eg with Russia
>Lowered the national debt
>Made patriotism mainstream again
>Won a world cup
He's literally the greatest president of the 21st century so far. Reminder that Richelieu and Mazarin were hated by their contemporaries, today they are considered as France's greatest leaders.
Macron will go down as one of them.

Attached: macron.jpg (640x360, 82.76K)

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He got entire trillions of free Euros from the BCE. It's easy to get a little done when you take a lot from the presidents before and after you.

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Isn't this the guy that made driving a car illegal for non-rich people in France?


Debt / GDP: 129.01%
External debt to GDP: 219%

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merci manu

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Macron is maintaining establishment agenda

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> France was 6th world power now it's 7th under his precidency
> Change the way how we count unemployed people is reducing unemployment guys !
> Record high immigration and advocate for more
> Give billion to Africa and Ukraine
> Is a hardcore pro UE shill and openly anti France "French culture doesn't exist"
> Africa won a world cup

Nice b8 m8, now go back

I hope you get burned alive you paid shill

He's a cum eating cuckold and a Rothschild puppet

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Nah. He got cockbloqued. His bosses on the MEDEF told him we were no after money but after them and he had to appease us.

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How to mobilize the french? I really got my hopes up during Charlie Hebdo, but alas...

I wager what could be the cause...

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>during Charlie Hebdo

Attached: Raise the taxes again.jpg (757x505, 203.83K)

WEF clown

Don't worry, you'll get thanked with him soon enough, we've got some good ol beheading celebrations to make.

Unfortunately I havent seen your people more up in arms than during that time. Which saddens me since you made it a national sport of booting undesirables.

You literally told Ukraine to surrender their territory to Russia. All your men died in Verdun.

You guys literally lived in Paradise until the 1990s. As insufferable as you are, your country was perfect. Why, my little French chums, did you let this happen?

Fuck off fag

They’re gonna have to anyway.
People like you just wanna profit off their suffering.

Simple, they are French. With the Swedish, two different sides of the cuck coin.

Yeah bro, it's better for them to all die rather than giving up territory that wasn't theirs in the first place, right?

I wonder if his wife refer to him as petit emmanuel

Irrational appeaser. Regardless of Russia's current performance you need arms to defend France and probably should ask yourself if you want to really continue to fuck around in Africa.

You're an embarassment to your grandfathers who fought and died for your country.
You have no balls, no will and no strength. You surrender at the slightlest bit of pressure and fold like a piece of paper.
You should go kill yourself.

His hair grew back?

Attached: th-3730433402.jpg (474x296, 34.38K)

Lmao, those tests must be two times easier now