So according to Any Forums what is the best age to get married and have children?

So according to Any Forums what is the best age to get married and have children?

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Will you marry me?

your mom

aint her mother is some SEA goblina?

You all know the answer, don't you?

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According to the ancient Greeks.... average age is 30 for males and age 15 for females





Faggot Montreal leaf

Guess you don't know what catamitus means

isnt elsa jean asian?

get out of here troll

Hapas are genetic peak, I'm fine with it

Elsa Jean is hot but at the same time she kind of has a nigger face... Also she aged like milk.

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In todays society it’s 20-25 for women and 25-30 for men.


2 weeks

Her mom is black, she's a troon or something.

Ideally 16, with your parents and in-laws raising your children.
If you absolutely want full control of your family then it depends how fast you can become 3 times self sufficient. 20 is great. 25 is good. 30 is standard these days. More than that and you deprive your grandchildren of memories with you.


So it ends bitterly after having a few kids and realizing you grew up and don't even like the person you're with and eventually get divorced thus ruining your young lives and the lives of your kids.

Damn, I'd make for a great jew!

You probably shouldn't get married and have children before 25. That's when your brain stops developing, and most people will testify that they were probably pretty retarded up until that age.

No kidding? Wow. She's quite pasty for a mutt.


Brain development continues (for men) into the 40’s


You're right, I should have said that at 25 is when your brain has fully matured and you are considered to have an adult brain.

For a man its best from like 17 until he degenerates and gets all fucked up from life.
For a woman from 16 until 22. - perfect oprtimal
22 to 26 is another group - yellow zone
26 to 30 - orange zone - last train
30-35 - red last train
35+ thats already guaranteed degenerate offspring.

Marriage is a scam.
Why make things needlessly complicated?

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The problem is that people have been conditioned to over educate to 21+ and then secure work and get established. The problem is by then you are already post peak as a woman, and the ones that do breed at this age tend to have similar non-college partners and breed liteers of sub 100 IQ retards.

Indeed, still would tho

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