Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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It feels like Israel is the only country nowadays that is consciously nationalist, they don't care what they do as long as it benefits them

Helps that they can get away with borderline genocide with no repercussions.

Hitler, for not carrying out a real Holocaust.

Always the Palestinian.

This is simply what Jews want and are doing to everyone. Just not as directly.

There are repercussions, like not being able to walk the street without some 19-year-old monkey with a mohawk trying to behead you with an axe. But you do get away with a lot when fighting an enemy which is significantly less smart.

kikel cope; their demographics are fucked more than anyone they're going to flee to ukraine once all the slavs there have been genocided
>women- gone
>men- forced into the meat grinder

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these are the people who lecture you on Pink Floyd and police violence

i just hate these kikes

when this kike mafia state gets rolled up by arabs this scum earned everyhting thats happening to them

Was it a Tavor TAR-21 Kike gun or was it one of those free M-16s the Americans give to the Jews.

The kike. Always the kike.

Why do you European faggots keep coming to protest human rights violations and suck Arab dick?

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The girl obviously. You don't get to be antisemitic and hate Jews IN THEIR OWN DAMN COUNTRY! Any true nationalist will side with Israel on this one.

>According to the audio recording, the soldiers of the Givati Brigade identified the victim as "a girl, about 10 years old", describing her as looking "scared to death".
>Another soldier is heard saying, "Our forces are attacking her", and a lookout says "One of the positions has taken her down."
>The Givati Brigade company commander, Captain R., is then heard saying "We operated on her. Yes, it seems she has been hit." He later states that he "verified" the killing, and clarifies his actions by stating that:
>"This is commander. Anything that's mobile, that moves in the zone, even if it's a three-year-old, needs to be killed. Over.

Everyone who enlist in military is a sociopath and every soldier is an evil person, since military is inherently evil by it's nature.
This world, based on competition, battle for surviving by eating others - was a mistake from the begining, from the consept of gravitaty.
As simple as that.

>European faggots

because these kike cocksuckers think that kikes are whites and that kike rules apply to them too

the only solution to the jewish problem is arabs axing every single kike

you are a faggot

the world is killed or be killed and children are just the later enemies that would kill you

>be western soldier
>prepared to give up your life
>say the nigger word
>it's over
western governments are all to eager to make examples of their own soldiers this is so fucked up

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Correct i don't know how anyone could murder a little girl but soldiers feel like heroes for it

Russian faggot no wonder you were slaves to others for so long

You fucking moron how it's not exactly what I have said?

Why are israelis so evil?

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If I happen to come across any Arabs with an axe, I personally plan on gunning them down or running them over. I think your chances of being knifed to death by some nigger or Syrian or Turk on Friedrichstraße are much higher.


jesus fuck! hang that evil kike right now. what the fuck?!

thats why i dont mind at all if russia would win. the west became pure cancer and the average westener dont even know.

It's called self defense

>the fact she was trying to stab people with a knife isn't even mentioned
sage in all fields, finnmonkey

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LOL! Jew power! Should've shot more cunts but one less is fine too.

Heh no halo on the yid, accurate.

This is because war crimes of ongoing conflicts are always investigated by military courts of the state who itself committed these crimes.
And they NEVER accuse any of their own, even if they commit mass murders of babies and it become widely known.
Happens all the times: Israel and Palestine, US and Vietnam, Russia and Chechnya.

Brobro, we all are acutely aware that we have been forcefed your side of the story since 1950. We also know most of it was lies. We literally don't care what your side of the story is on anything, ever, no matter what the event was. Silence is going to be your best friend going forward. You'll be at your best, achieving peak performance when and only when you are shutting the fuck up for as long as possible.

i hope you gas every last brownie in the middle east
if Jews stop persecuting Nazism, Hitler and White Aryan Europeans, I am sure we can become the strongest allies. You can have the entirety of east north africa and the arabian peninsula. We can expand for lebensraum to the east, where we can split up Syria in the middle, we take the north, you the south, etc. We can trade and exchange services, we can protect each other, but you will never again try to infiltrate us, undermine the safety and continued existence of our race, and if you need sacrificial babies for Moloch, they better not be fair skinned, have your pickings among the coloureds for those. Deal?

>Captcha: S444V
