I want to try kill small kittens so bad, I'm not future mass shooter right?????? right user?

I want to try kill small kittens so bad, I'm not future mass shooter right?????? right user?

i attempted to kill my dog, when I was 11. I threw him off a wall, my dad stopped me and thought it was an accident, saying I could break his bones, I said I'm sorry meanwhile I knew my intentions were to kill him

How do i get rid of these thoughts, I was diagnosed with CD at 14. I think I'm good though right? Otherwise I wouldn't talk about it.

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Your average ruskie, folks. This is why your country is a barren wasteland of violence and drug abuse.

everything you want to do to a kitten you should do to yourself.

instead of killing animals you should channel that autistic energy into obsessively playing first person shooter games for the rest of your life

Contact a mental health professional

killing outdoor cats is based. Those niggers will kill all the local wildlife

Are you really begging for glownigger groomer friends with this shit? Go outside user and try not to be so lonely

Stop shooting krokodil you fucking ape, wtf is wrong with you.

You should write a Manifesto about Yakut Supremacy.

You might be a psychopath. It's doable to compensate, however. Watch your head and try, at least, to plan everything, what you do.

Take up mma or street fighting
You’ll learn to burn that hatred off fadt

You were diagnosed with a Compact Dick? I'd hate everything, too.

You are a psychopath or a sadist.

Get killed, asiatic nigger ape.

Tell me you're Jewish without telling me.

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You live in british cumhole faggotland across ocean retard

reminder cats are invasive nigger animals from africa

Mass shooting is much preferable to the torture of small animals. Neck youself, inbred scum.

Go live in a warmer climate, Nikolai. Get some sun.

Unless you're capable of started a decent rock band I reccomend killing yourself desu.


Join the army....it is place just for you.

t. toxofag

Reported to FSB

You guys are such a pussies, I can totally justify all my actions. And there is shit ton of cats, why does it matter if one's gone. Cats probably don't even have emotions or feelings, if they could, they'd probably do the same in return and you can't argue against that. And neither you can prove that cats have emotions. They are cunts.

People kill cows or pigs daily. And in China even dogs. I don't see how is that different.
Have you seen a cow? Such a beauty animal.

you don't belong here

>Cats probably don't even have emotions or feelings
You have never owned a cat.

>I want to try kill small kittens so bad, I'm not future mass shooter right?????? right user?
>i attempted to kill my dog, when I was 11. I threw him off a wall, my dad stopped me and thought it was an accident, saying I could break his bones, I said I'm sorry meanwhile I knew my intentions were to kill him
You're so based user. I wish we could be friends we have similarities

killing something to eat it is different than killing something for ??????? reason

I have the same. You smoke some ciggies and control yourself. I have killed mice/small animals when I needed to and it was enjoyable but I always knew going down that path where I start snapping the necks of animals/doing fucked up shit to them would eventually lead to murder. I decided never to follow the path of pleasure killing despite, like you, having the desire. Mainly because it leads to murders.

My life behind bars/my conscience is not worth their life or vice versa.

Calm the fuck down and think it through.
Murder is not legal/against your conscience.
Not worth it to go down that dark path of instinct. Have a code, retard

Kill as many Russians as possible. Godspeed user!

Don’t kill companion animals ya fuckin dink. Hunt deer or rabbits for meat or get a job at a slaughterhouse.

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There's plenty of hope for you because you're talking about it.
Your psycho tendencies will go away as you mature, and your brain grows and gains the mental ability to become sensitive to others.

They say toddlers and little kids are totally psychotic. It's because their brains are not fully developed. Everyone goes through stages. Some people never get passed the first stages. You'll make it, and maybe grow to become one of the better people.

1. Go to the nearest slaughterhouse.
2. Tell'em you look for a job.
3. Nigger.
4. You own me a blow job.

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i hope you get cancer you fucking loser

>Your psycho tendencies will go away as you mature
It never goes away. You just learn to oppress that part of you

dont hurt anyone or anything user you know its wrong, you probably had it rough but you can fight those urges dont inflict pain theres too much already please i dont have any real advice im sorry

Just hunt or raise animals for food. God has given you permission to kill animals for food. Kill bunnies or whatever other food that is good for meat and thank God for the gift. Then you'll rest easy at night knowing you wont be tortured forever.

I used to shoot stray dogs with my slingshot as a kid, like in the face and the eyes. I didn't realize the pain I was causing. It goes away when you mature.


And you are an invasive nigger ape from Africa, so...

You need to kill yourself, really, with that you remove some evil from this world or just kill evil people.But killing poor animals is really pathetic and weak.

>And you are an invasive nigger ape from Africa, so...

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