I got Covid and everything tastes like garbage, how to fix?

I can't imagine a life like this. Where meat tastes rotten, juice is bland and too vomit like, everything makes me sick to the stomach. Covid's the devil's disease.

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there is no covid faggot.

It's not too late to take your vaccine, assuming you haven't already. You might still avoid the worst of the symptoms

My sense of taste returned after about 2 weeks

Use this opportunity to eat a healthy diet - bean sprouts, liver, cauliflower

Kill yourself.

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Water fast. Attain ketosis and regenerate your taste buds.

Lol faggot should have had a better immune system
I had no loss of taste or smell when I got it

I lost my sense of taste about 20 years ago stop being a bitch

You marinate everything in onions sauce and Sprite and I guarantee you're a 2 pack a day smoker. You don't need taste buds.

how fat are you?

It comes back nigger, took me I think a week or two but it came back and better than ever.

It will return once your back healthy again. In about 3 weeks. Nothing critical

Drink mint tea that'll help

Top kek. My immune system is so good I never got this fake shit. Try harder faggot.

u have to cum in ur own mouth

I had COVID a week ago but I kept my taste buds. Sad because I kinda wanted to kick sugar.

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Were you tested?

Isn’t that a symptom of brain damage after a stroke or similar event kek

Stop eating Puerto Rican food

My gf showed me that people on tiktok were burning the outside of oranges and then peeling and eating them. All of the comments were swearing that this restored their senses after covid.