Why do you keep refusing us Leftists help you, Any Forums?

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Because Any Forums would rather see 10 white people suffer than 1 black or other minority succeed.

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Yeah, I'm thinking no.

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>raise minimum wage
>migrants no longer driving wages down

amerimutts think prosperity comes from wage laws. they think they should make money working in restaurants. They dont undertsand that they can get skills so that their labor is more valuable. I hate amerimutts so much.

Which restaurant do you work in OP?

You leftists eating a gun would help me. I'd let you do that.

>>raise minimum wage
>>migrants no longer driving wages down
Because migrant labor wasn't solving the problem of labor costs.

Can you make this a general thread so my filters will catch it?
You're already reposting when the other one hits bump limit

amerimutts never ask: does apple need to be forced by the government to pay high wages to their engineers? The answer is no. The company is happy to pay people 200K/ year for their work because it helps the company be profitable.

The logical conclusion is to just get skills so that you can add value to an organization so you will be paid well.

Mutts have completely forgotten that skills actually matter and skills are valuable.

Why not get your bread up nigger quit doing the bare minimum and get a good job or be a labourer or hairdresser.

I don't refuse help. The whole left vs right thing is stupid anyway. It's just a divide and concur trick. We must join together to fight the real enemy. Do you know WHO that is? We do. Remember Occupy Walstreet? We were getting too effective and they started pushing identity politics B.S. to distract us. Lets have Occupy 2.0+

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That contradicts OP's post.

You cant even solve your own problems stupid leftist.

In this scenario, with tons of immigrants and a high minimum wage, Amazon would raise requirements to work there. You couldn't even got a job in a warehouse without a bachelor's in logistics and the ability to run a 6 minute mile. Don't have those things? Tough, because there are millions of immigrants who do.

You can't just ignore supply and demand.

Then Amazon wouldn't be able to hire anyone cause no one would work there, so they would have to drop the requirements back down. But they couldn't legally lower the wages.

Also lol at you using Amazon wearhouse as an example. No one wants to work at Amazon wearhouse.


if we do ill be the user there holding a palestine flag

From what i see Leftists are pro-corporations and hate the working class with burning passion so this pic doesn't make any sense at all.

when half your country live in ghettos isn't a warehouse job with a reliable company a way out of poverty for lots of people?

No, if you got a bachelor's degree you could make way more than even double the proposed minimum wage that democrats are pushing.

Yes my race and people are more important then bums living on minimum wage, you can literally pick up a job that pays $25 an hour at least in 6 months time

>Then Amazon wouldn't be able to hire anyone cause no one would work there
This is a hypothetical scenario with a high minimum wage but rampant mass migration. It's to illustrate a point. The fresh-off-the-boat, poverty stricken immigrants would jump at the chance to work in those warehouses.

Labor is subject to supply and demand. Increasing the labor supply lowers demand for labor, and consequently lowers wages. Bernie Sanders even talks about this in a 2015 (2016?) Vox interview with Ezra Klein.

leftists will fucking burn in hell--you have always been the real enemy of man

Every single leafnigger fucks dogs. No exception.

Should have gotten a relevant degree or went to community college it’s not my fault your a retard that can’t figure out how to get employment

They’d be making 400K if it weren’t for the H1-B visa program.

This is such a garbage copout when you recgonize for all of human history people were compensated for their time

OP is a loser that could never imagine owning her own biz

Yeah, but it wouldn't be an issue if the minimum wage was really high since immigrants are more likely to start businesses, so there would be more jobs created than if there was 0 immigration.

What makes you think I don't have a job?

They want to take our free speech and the only way to protect our free speech.

Until then they can get fucked.

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whats that lil ho's tiktok?

Your bitching on Any Forums about minimum wage you should use this time instead to reflect on how to increase your standard of living. Take charge and develop a skill or apply to any labour/ factory position were you’ll make more then minimum

I make over 150k USD salary working from home and almost never leaving the house. If people made more money then there would be less incentive for crime, which affects everyone.

Being anti minimum wage increase is pro-crime.

You fucks tried to extend the lockdowns that fucked me over and tried to make it illegal for me to work a 2nd time with the vaccine mandate. I'm just now getting my life back on track and you have audacity to pretend you're helping?

I'm sure his father is real proud lol.

>immigrants are more likely to start businesses, so there would be more jobs created than if there was 0 immigration.
That happens in the long run. Immigrants start business, and they eat food which increases the demand for cooks and farmers, creating jobs to meet the increased demand that migrants bring. In the long run, a one-time surge of migrants will eventually create enough jobs to balance out the wages they squeeze by working for less and driving up the labor pool. In the long run, a one-time burst of migrants is a net neutral. They lower wages then they bring them back up to the starting point.

But here's the thing. Our leaders aren't bringing in a one-time burst of immigrants. They're bringing in constant yearly quotas. And constant migration means a constant wage squeeze. This is simply how economics works. Labor is subject to supply and demand. More supply, less demand.

Amy genuine leftist who supports workers rights ought to be against mass migration. Neoliberals have hoodwinked you.

Lefty faggots are the most irredeemable, self destructive ideology in politics in the modern era. The sooner you all troon out and rope yourselves, the better.

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Those that commit crime do not seek employment, you have probably lived a sheltered life. I grew up in the ghetto crime is a lifestyle you see these guys in and out of jail every 6 months. They spend their days getting high and committing crime till their giving 3 meals and a cot just to do it all over again.

Groomer(leftist) help:
You deserve lower testosterone, & estrogen injections

If the main problem is wage squeeze, then raise the minimum wage.

>immigrants are more likely to start businesses,

Hahaha you people are retarded, you are importing the trash of the world. Your country will end like argentina or brazil.

>just pay everyone 150k
Zimbabwe would like a word with you

Anecdotes do not trump statistics.

>he has no clue how economies work

>Amazon wouldn't be able to hire anyone cause no one would work there, so they would have to drop the requirements back down

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Live your sheltered yuppie life making 150k at home your out of touch with the working man.
You also produced 0 statistics

do you think that your 150k job pays you that much because the government forces your employer to pay you that much or because you have skills? Muttmericans are so delusional. Even people with good jobs dont understand the value of skills.

The problem, of course, it that it’s never *just* higher wages and unions and stuff, it comes along with a baggage train of grooming children for pedophilia, single motherhood, eradication of culture and tradition, etc.
Like nobody on Any Forums is going to argue that people shouldn’t get paid more, they’re going to argue that the shackles of leftism that come along with it make it a non-starter. There’s no line item veto here.

because fuck off totalitarian

>He doesn't understand fiat money

Because the focus is on identity, not workers rights.