Red pill me on replacement

Red pill me on replacement.

Am I really supposed to believe that super genius liberal elites passed immigration reform in 1965 so they could develop an edge in elections half a century later in states that they had been winning at the time?

Why did conservatives overwhelmingly vote for the immigration bill, while it was Democrats who voted more against it?

Why didn't the GOP ever address it? They had both chambers of Congress and the Presidency from 2001-2007, and again in 2017-2019. I do know that they held exactly zero votes on migration policy under Trump.

Wasn't the change to bring a free market for labor and undo union influence?

Where the libs so genius that they convinced conservatives to support this for half a century?

Because it sort of seems half baked, like making excuses for losing elections instead of trying to adapt. Like, they used to split the young vote evenly and now they lose it by huge margins, even Whites. Maybe less Boomer focus would help, you know, schools, child care?

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Other urls found in this thread:

They are all saying they like 2 in the pink, 1 in the stink. Tradeitup. 90's fags know.

Because Democrats and Republicans are part of the same class of cosmopolitan elitists who are only performatively different on issues of little substance while quietly closing ranks on the big things

GOP are in on it dumb fuck. Don’t you see it’s a game?

these 3 need to be whipped till they cry
just for good measurement

maybe not the one on the right she already was whipped by daddy

Middle slut pls

Where are their black boyfriends?

Jews have done this to nations for eons.

a real whore likes one in the pink and two in the stink

>making excuses for losing elections
it's more to keep you watching whatever fearporn that you heard it from

Dombass, they're doing the replacement because they want all white ppl dead. It's literally that simple. GOP failed at stopping it, and now we will die out.


In your head, Chang.

>Why didn't the GOP ever address it?

When has the GOP ever addressed anything? They are impotent warmongers with few exceptions.

um how old are these women?

>The gop had both chambers of congress between 2001 and 2007
Democrats had a super majority of local governments from 1933 until 2011. They also held congress for 40 years from 1955-1995. The Senate from 1955 until 2003. The people who voted Republican until about 2008 were mostly WASPs. Now they’re mostly Anglo Scots-Irish from Rural & Exurban American.

I think they are dwarfs

>500 loaded questions
>Is coffee good for you pic
>OP never seen again
This thread is extremely low quality.

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IR 1965 is one of those uniparty policies of the neoliberals that has been in place since the Reagan days. Likely not going to change until at least one of the parties shifts away from neoliberalism in a big way . As for why, lots of reasons. Labor and unions are some of the reasons. Its a critical component to the status quo so its not going away easily.

I'd replace their empty vagene with 6 inches hard peen if you know what I mean

How come so many zoomer girls have small, almost nonexistent, tits.
Has anybody else noticed this?

But Tucker, an elite heir who did liberal commentary and neocon commentary until he found populist nu-right commentary got more views is on it?

Couldn't he just be manipulating too?

I mean, poor people in poor countries wanting to move to rich ones makes sense. Business owners wanting more/cheaper labor makes sense. Does it really require a conspiracy to explain?

“In opening the general discussion, an Australian speaker said that the flow of migration depended in part on the absorptive capacity of the receiving country, which in turn depended on the rate of expansion of its economy in relation to its technical efficiency and its standard of living. It also depended on the available sources of migration, which were related to population pressure and the existence of international differences in standards of living. He believed that there was a large absorptive capacity for additional population in the Commonwealth, though it varied widely between different countries. But the standards of living in Great Britain and the Dominions were now fairly equal, so the conditions for a flow of people on economic grounds now or in the future were absent.

Another Australian delegate pointed out that the net reproduction rates in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand were below unity. A United Kingdom delegate added that England, during the past eight years, had been, on balance, a substantial immigrant-receiving country, and there was little likelihood of substantial emigration from England in the future. An Irish member observed that Ireland was the only remaining source of white emigration in the Commonwealth and said the white races were killing themselves off by not having sufficient children.” – Page 177, British Commonwealth and the Future: Proceedings of the Second Unofficial Conference on British Commonwealth Relations, Sydney 3rd-17th September, 1938by Commonwealth Relations Conference (2nd : 1938 : Sydney, Australia); Hodson, H. V. (Henry Vincent)

Issuded under the joint auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, the Australian Institute of International Affairs, the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, the South African Institute of International Affairs, the Indian Institute of International Affairs

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Because it’s all theatre.

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European girls are known for their big bazongas though.

Which one you guys think has the black bf?

“The position of Indians as migrants received a considerable amount of attention. It was pointed out that India was the only member of the Commonwealth in which high population pressure and abnormally low standards of living combined to provide a strong economic motive for emigration. All the Dominions, in effect, prohibit Indian immigration, and migration to colonial areas is closely controlled. The reasons for the legal restriction on migration to the Dominions were given as economic and sociological. Indian speakers were unable to accept the objection to mixed marriages, and an Australian speaker added his view in the following words:
I entirely repudiate the idea that inter-marriage between radically different races is an evil. I believe the evil comes from the attitude of the rest of the community towards the progeny of such marriages. I suggest that the duty of individual Australians is to try to break down, in the community, that irrational feeling of prejudice against other races.” - Page 179, British Commonwealth and the Future: Proceedings of the Second Unofficial Conference on British Commonwealth Relations, Sydney 3rd-17th September, 1938by Commonwealth Relations Conference (2nd : 1938 : Sydney, Australia); Hodson, H. V. (Henry Vincent)

Issuded under the joint auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, the Australian Institute of International Affairs, the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, the South African Institute of International Affairs, the Indian Institute of International Affairs

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No people anywhere, ever, at any time in recorded history, in any country in the world, voted to be replaced by foreign people with a foreign culture, let alone an inferior one.
You're being lied to.

The GOP won't address it because their donors don't want them too, plus they all be really wealthy and isolated from all the problems of Brown America.

“The concluding discussion bore mainly on two topics: the White Australia policy and the problem of miscegenation.
White Australia. An Australian delegate urged the recognition of the principle of racial equality and, as a contribution towards solving a vexed problem, the admission of a limited number of Indians to Australia under a quota system. But he acknowledged the strength of opinion (and prejudice) in his country on the matter. Another Australian said that it was imperative that the whole problem should be raised simply and clearly by the people concerned. If the Indians were prepared to respect Australian standards of life, and if the issue of race equality could be solved for them by admission of a number of Indians from time to time, then something might be done. But the only body which could raise the matter successfully would be the industrial labour movement. Australian discussion of the matter had been so much bound up with the idea of exploitation that ‘if it were raised by anyone else at all, the suggestion of exploitation would be raised. This is a problem for the Australian Labour movement, and if agreement could be reached between the Indian trade-union movement and the Australian trade-union movement on this issue, it could be solved in a comparatively short time’.” – Page 215-216, British Commonwealth and the Future: Proceedings of the Second Unofficial Conference on British Commonwealth Relations, Sydney 3rd-17th September, 1938by Commonwealth Relations Conference (2nd : 1938 : Sydney, Australia); Hodson, H. V. (Henry Vincent)

Issuded under the joint auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, the Australian Institute of International Affairs, the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, the South African Institute of International Affairs, the Indian Institute of International Affairs

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I like smaller tits on petite chicks

I hate seeing women happy. They don't deserve it.

“Miscegenation. A United Kingdom delegate urged the importance of scientific study on the question of race intermixture as a vital matter in migration policy. In dealing with this matter, a nation might either attempt to prevent any intermixture at all; or allow ‘pockets’ which might well lead to the kind of political and social difficulties that were discussed in Commissions I and II; or it could adopt a policy of gradual assimilation of new elements. If the last alternative were adopted, this made imperative the scientific study of what races would, in fact, blend satisfactorily with its existing population. Such an inquiry should free itself from the suggestion that there was anything derogatory to any race in asking, in a scientific spirit, whether the mixture between that race and another was biologically satisfactory. In particular, it was necessary to separate biological and social problems, and to face the problem of whether feeling against half-castes had a biological basis, or whether (for example) it arose particularly in cases of union between partners at totally different cultural levels, as defence against deterioration by those at the higher level. Was it true, the speaker asked, that intermixture had proceeded so far in certain places (e.g. Java) that there were no social or other distinctions based on race ? And had this process produced a type inferior to the pure Dutch? In present world conditions this problem was becoming of urgent and increasing importance, partly owing to the development of backward races, the falling birth-rate among the white races, and improved means of world communication.” – Page 216-217

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Are you just going to ignore the 10s of millions of illegals and the many more 10s of millions of imported trash the US and European governments celebrate as "a victory for diversity"?

Way too many strawman adjectives in your questions.
Try again.

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lower class whites and blacks were starting to team up in the 60s so they kikes imported a bunch of mexicans to create a new underclass to distract from the kike problem

No where is isolated from the Non White population that is 40% of this country. Besides for the GOP reps who live in the most desolate part of the country.

“Subsequent speakers referred to research on race fusion which had been carried out in the Pacific Islands and Honolulu, but it was said that biological evidence was inconclusive. A South African delegate doubted whether it would ever be possible, on purely biological grounds, to give a clear judgement on the general question of race-mixture. He said that the difficulty was sociological rather than biological. It arose ‘very largely from the social stigma and social disabilities to which halfbreeds are everywhere subject. I feel that wherever that feeling prevails, however satisfactory may be the relationship between man and woman, it is a crime against the children’. The same speaker added that, according to his observation, white objection to miscegenation (at least in South Africa) was a phenomenon incidental to the maintenance of group-identity, as was shown by the fact that the objection persisted even when the mixed-breed offspring was granted to be equal, and even superior, in quality to the parents of different racial stocks." - Page 217

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the shocker!

>Am I really supposed to believe that super genius liberal elites passed immigration reform in 1965 so they could develop an edge in elections half a century later
They literally wrote dissertations about how to do it.
> in states that they had been winning at the time?
They knew that rightists have more chidlren than leftists, and that their attempts to suppress the birthrate by various means had affected leftists more than rightists, exacerbating that problem for them. The math meant they'd be losing those states 50 years later.
>Why did conservatives overwhelmingly vote for the immigration bill, while it was Democrats who voted more against it? Why didn't the GOP ever address it? They had both chambers of Congress and the Presidency from 2001-2007, and again in 2017-2019. I do know that they held exactly zero votes on migration policy under Trump.
Both parties are captured. How they vote is a calculation about how to best get away with it, not about what the people want.
>Wasn't the change to bring a free market for labor and undo union influence?
No, that was just an excuse.
>Where the libs so genius that they convinced conservatives to support this for half a century?
It is not libs who are geniuses, it is the global elite families who control them that are geniuses. Libs are morons. Conservatives were tricked into supporting it by appealing to their charitable and benevolent nature.
>Because it sort of seems half baked
Only because you haven't really looked into it throughly yet, and instead are believing the gaslighting about it.

this thread sucks. yes Kissinger set it up to fuck over white ppl. the end

Yeah the world was better when women were property

"The discussion was closed by an Indian delegate, who again directed the Commission’s attention to discrimination against his countrymen in various parts of the Commonwealth. In spite of the resolution passed at the Imperial Conference of 1918, Indian students, tourists, and business men visiting South Africa, Canada, and New Zealand were liable to be subjected to a harassing examination. In South Africa, Japanese were admitted on consular recommendation: Canada admitted a yearly maximum of 150 for permanent settlement. But in neither case was a similar privilege granted to Indians. Finally, he pointed out that many of the Commonwealth’s racial problems were originally caused by migration of Europeans (for instance to South Africa), not of non European people. ‘Surely, in these circumstances, it is too late in the day to raise these questions only when Indians ask for their rights as citizens of a common Empire.’ “ - Page 217, British Commonwealth and the Future: Proceedings of the Second Unofficial Conference on British Commonwealth Relations, Sydney 3rd-17th September, 1938by Commonwealth Relations Conference (2nd : 1938 : Sydney, Australia); Hodson, H. V. (Henry Vincent)

Issuded under the joint auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, the Australian Institute of International Affairs, the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, the South African Institute of International Affairs, the Indian Institute of International Affairs

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"The discussion was closed by an Indian delegate, who again directed the Commission’s attention to discrimination against his countrymen in various parts of the Commonwealth. In spite of the resolution passed at the Imperial Conference of 1918, Indian students, tourists, and business men visiting South Africa, Canada, and New Zealand were liable to be subjected to a harassing examination. In South Africa, Japanese were admitted on consular recommendation: Canada admitted a yearly maximum of 150 for permanent settlement. But in neither case was a similar privilege granted to Indians. Finally, he pointed out that many of the Commonwealth’s racial problems were originally caused by migration of Europeans (for instance to South Africa), not of non European people. ‘Surely, in these circumstances, it is too late in the day to raise these questions only when Indians ask for their rights as citizens of a common Empire.’ “ - Page 217, British Commonwealth and the Future: Proceedings of the Second Unofficial Conference on British Commonwealth Relations, Sydney 3rd-17th September, 1938by Commonwealth Relations Conference (2nd : 1938 : Sydney, Australia); Hodson, H. V. (Henry Vincent)

Issuded under the joint auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, the Australian Institute of International Affairs, the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, the South African Institute of International Affairs, the Indian Institute of International Affairs

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dude... too soon

Too soon

This book that I've linked was written to detail the minutes regarding a conference held in 1938 that was conducted by some of the most powerful individuals within the British Commonwealth system. These included members of the Round Table Group network including the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Canadian Institute of International Affairs, the Australian Institute of International Affairs, the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, the South African Institute of International Affairs and the Indian Institute of International Affairs. This was an extremely important meeting in regards to foreign affairs and the future direction and plans of the world. They discussed everything from the coming world war, the creation of a world government system superseding the idea of national sovereignty (which became the United Nations), China becoming a major economic power in the world, multilateral security cooperation alliances (they mentioned Canada joining a world war if Japan attacked the United States for instance), the prominence of the International Court at the Hague and so on.

However, since this thread specifically about the concept of mass migration and deliberately planned demographic replacement, all of the above quotes that I posted deal specifically with that issue. They discussed replacing the white population in British Columbia with a population of Asiatic origin. We've definitely a lot of this come to pass in the 84 years since this book was originally written. It also discussed how they were going to deal with the declining white birth rates in virtually every country in the entire British Commonwealth and really Europe as a whole. They deliberately discussed using miscegenation as a deliberate geopolitical policy solution to solve the declining birthrates within white nations.

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>lower class whites and blacks were starting to team up in the 60s
Lmao no they weren’t. Poor Whites, Blue Collar Whites, and “Ethnic Whites” like Italians, Irish, and Slavs were rioting against negro rioters regularly after world war 2 and those sub groups gave George Wallace 25% of their vote even in the North.

Uh, so why didn't policy change? 1995 was almost 3 decades ago.

the liquor store or prison.

While they mentioned it was possibly to prevent any intermixture at all, it was very clear that they were giving much more credence and favor towards bringing in immigrations from non-white Commonwealth countries to intermix and replace the domestic white populations. They discussed that the biggest problem of this was sociological, not biological. They said the main obstacle to this was white group-identity to opposed intermixing even when the offspring was of superior quality to two white parents (that's at least what one of them said).

Anyway, I'm not going to go into the entire history of the Round Table Movement and the Round Table Groups. Suffice to say, these groups exist in every country today and they operate as shadow governments that dictate domestic and geo-political policies behind the scene. They frequently conduct conferences and meetings, many of which are held in confidence and secret away from the general public. These people are globalists and internationals that are dedicated towards the cause of creating a one world government. They eventually want to end national sovereignty and nation states entirely.

A lot of people who discuss the plans for "white genocide" if you want to call it that and demographic replacement will refer to Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. He obviously was the founding president of the Paneuropean Union and he wrote pretty revealing passage in his book "Practical Idealism" about mixing the races of the world into one common hybrid race. Pretty much everyone on this board already knows this, and it's an important piece of historical evidence from a high level geopolitical figure that gives tremendous weight to support these demographic replacement beliefs.

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True I think they should be wearing fur and tanning hides well the men sit and talk about the coming battle against the big nose tribe.

However, the quotations that I just posted from the "British Commonwealth and the Future: Proceedings of the Second Unofficial Conference on British Commonwealth Relations" book are even more important in my opinion. There are many quotations referencing this plan, and they are quite explicit about what their goals are. I'll post a good video below that is a very good summary for a lot, but not al, of important subjects that are covered within it.

Also, it's worth mentioning that while this book didn't reference what any of the delegates specifically said by name during this conference because it was held under the secrecy of "Chatham House Rule", there is a list at the back of the book of the people who attended this meeting. If you take a look at the list, you will get perspective on just how many high level power brokers actually attended the conference and helped formulate policy for the entire British Commonwealth network.

Alan Watt - Great Britain, Embryo of World Government

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votes are a by product, the goal was and still is cheap labor.

Minivan for the win

1st girl - best anal
2nd girl - best pussy grind
3rd girl - best blowjob
I'm very good at judging this shit by appearance.

Too soon

overall or just related to the states?

You're pretty much right in what is maintaining the status quo, the US is a corporation and the future is "not my problem" because of globalisation the elite are transient with little roots holding them within the country.
There is no adequate political solution.
Women's suffrage was a mistake and it's too late to go back.
Everything is going to collapse and it's over.

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BLACKPILL: They didn't plan this shit at all, they didn't care.

"The Great Replacement" is just an unplanned side-effect that is now a financial asset as a divide&conquer psyop.

The real reason is the interests of capital and GDP growth, which requires exponential amounts of finance batterys (human beings) to keep them all afloat the longer it goes on for.

Nothing more, it's very boring but that's literally it.

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The thing is, it is a conspiracy. You're using the word as if it doesn't imply theres damage to an internal party, there is, tons of it infact. Everyone keeps buying into the disassociation language surrounding the term 'conspiracy' and its exactly why this shit is allowed to happen enmasse all the time.

Reagan actually lowered legal immigration from 400,000 to 280,000 and passed a bill that founded ICE/CBP and would’ve secured funding for a wall but the democrat controlled houses didn’t cough it up and within a year Reagan was gone anyway. Then CIA stooge George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, and George Bush Jr. passed 11 full amnesties, created the H1B Visas program, started refugee resettlement, started the diversity lotto, and opened up to 800,000 VISAs a year most of which would be going to Central America, The Caribbean, and East/South Asia. The US was still 3/4ths White in 1992 for measure but by summer 1998 it fell below 70%.

It's Jewish.
Look into it.

#1 definitely likes it up the pooper
you just know

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Blaming it on the dems is a misdirection, the true reason is that the kikes want to completely erase all Whites.

>red pill me on replacement

Have more kids and you won't be replaced faggot

>1995 was almost 3 decades ago

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The Adventures of Chaim and Chang.

Jews naturally jump ship when it starts sinking, so they care less about the natives than others normally would. They have a separate ingroup preference which combines both ethnicity and ideology instilled within them from early childhood.

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