Is God actually pro life?

This is my son. He has a lethal form of dysplasia.
Skeletal dysplasia is a broad term describing a range of birth defects.
[Name redacted] will never be "viable." He cannot survive outside of the womb. If we carry him through full term, he will need to be removed via cesarian section, because his head will be too large to fit through the birth canal. A natural birth would snap his little spine, and probably end in the death of my wife.
After he is born, we would either hold him as he suffocates in his first moments in this world or the doctors would perform surgeries and connect him to machines that he would need to stay plugged into for the rest of his short life.
Why would God care if we killed him now, knowing that he was born to die anyway?
>Inb4 shill post

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You have to raise deformed children with low life expectancies so you can both be in misery to satisfy my bronze age and superstition

go satisfy your own bronze age


Sorry, but it is still not okay to kill it. Just because someone will eventually die, you cannot kill them. With that logic you could kill anybody.

I have good news for you! If >will never be "viable." He cannot survive outside of the womb.
is true, nearly all people agree that, yeah, that's an "acceptable" reason to have an abortion. It's really just the more extreme of the fringes that wouldn't grant it in such a situation. I'm sorry that you seem to have been sorely misled . Hope that brightened your day.

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Then you adopt him

What if it's a nigger?

Then he is either one himself or his wife is. Which means he is okay with that.

You can give it up for adoption, without killing it.

kill it with fire

Its somethings like this if I remmeber:
Your original sin is being human, a creation lead astray by Satan. Your life is to atone for your sin. This is why God afflicts children, for they are not children of God until they turn to him and give themselves to him.

I wanted another child and considered myself pro life until this test from God.

Tough luck nigger, but it's still a murder.

bullshit christcuck slide thread

just abort him retard it's literally legal everywhere and will continue to be

Sliding what? The catalog is full of trash. This is my real life dilemma.
Nobody would adopt a dying vegetable baby.
Is euthenasia murder?
What about pulling life support?

Fallacy. Nice try kike

you can either work on it and feel love and maybe even solve it saving countless children in the future for a simple sacrifice of your emotions.
or you can kill your child because your feelings are more important. and curse god.
Up to you.

It is baby assassination.

The bronze age superstition says the war and famine are coming next.

Would it not be nice if this were such an issue that resources were given to correct it? oh no wait it's cheaper to flush a human life down a toilet though right?

While I'm here good luck with your
>eat the bug to save the animals
narrative after this bullshit.

It might sound hollow, but
If mankind is truly destined for Heaven or Hell, then this life is the one chance the Righteous get to truly suffer and feel sorrow. Will that sorrow give more meaning to Heaven? Will the bittersweet memories of our temporary suffering let us weep in private moments beyond the pearly gates?
I'll venture to say you don't deserve what you're going through right now, but all life is temporary and what little love you can grow for this very, very temporary life you've created is important to keep with you. You're not the first dad to ever lose a child. You won't be the last. Just try not to blame yourself or others and let the grief take its course until you're ready to rebuild.

That's your fault.

>this is my son

Thanks for the condolences user

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No one ever said that having principled stances about things was going to be easy.