Are pure blacks going extinct? Is this actually happening?

Are pure blacks going extinct? Is this actually happening?

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>2 billion niggers in africa say no while they build their dung huts

no, they have specific breeding programs for them at the zoo

Blacks are 19% some unknown hominin whose MRCA with H. sapiens was probably H. erectus. That ghost lineage was "pure black" and accounts for the differences in intelligence and violent behavior between blacks and all other races.

Just imagine what the pure form would have been like.
>be African
>be 100,000 years ago
>be normal, intelligent human
>humans spreading around the world
>life is good
>hey, what's in that forest over there?

That is just sad. Blacks should stay in their countries and procreate there.

i dunno but all i know is they kike narrative is race war but the only ones i see getting ready are whites.

Africans will be something like 50% of world pop by the middle of the century. The only major race that is heading for extinction is whites. Stop coping

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is this some kind of cope because niggers don't give a shit and it's not any better for whites that other races are also being turned into an indistinguishable mutt sub-race

so what you are saying is there is no such thing as an innocent nigger.

I kinda doubt that. Fertility is falling everywhere, including Africa

>t. tripfag with Latin name
>reminder that whites created everything

i just call blacks homo erectus now. actually more satisfying and informative than nigger

Slimmest maybe in western countries, but there's a whole continent of them still living in insular communities. Their population has exploded in recent decades and there's no reason to believe they're going anywhere.
I realize this topic is meant as an allegory for white replacement, but keep in mind that people with only 1 black grandparent will consider themselves black for the same reason they would have claimed to be white 50 years ago. Its apples and oranges when the real target is white culture, not white genes. Black culture is celebrated and will be adopted by generations to come so they won't be othered.

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Niggers are neither guilty nor innocent. They lack the intelligence required for moral agency.

Niggers are literally the only race growing by leaps and bounds
If anything you will be the only ones left in a few centuries
At least until the food runs out and you all starve

Also modern blacks are the mrca ancestor with sapiens


hm. hm. reminds me of women

Blacks will be like 35-40% of humanity in the next century. People need to stop worrying about blacks. They’ll be around in abundance….along with Indians and Asians.

Whites are the endangered species. Whites are in a demographic, moral and cultural death spiral. They will be a small persecuted, powerless minority in the future. The white women will be happy as hell to have non-white kids to get the horrid stigma off of them.

believe it or not, but the white women remaining will be the ones that dont mix. whites are about to become extremely ethnocentric by environmental pressure alone. it's the greatest act of eugenics of all time

They won't be. all these 2040, 2060, 2100 predictions are bullshit. They all assume that the current system will continue for another 80 years. Non-sense.

Globalism has already peaked and we are in the beginning stage of going in reverse. The future will see more local produciton, fewer simpler goods, higher quality, a regression of modern conviniences and perks. There's going to be hunger and death. Fake money will implode. Having a bunch of welfare sponges will be useless.

Just get the wokes to attack white women, alienating them