How to keep your daughter from DEGENERACY? - My daughter just pierced her face

And my bitch of a wife thinks it's nothing wrong to have cow-like ring inside her nose. She also pierced her tongue.
What am I in boys.

>Inb4 retards insult her that she's a slut or some stupid shit like that
She's literally a virgin, try again.

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You married a whore, and your daughter will now learn from her mother.

Faggot. Atheists deserve this and worse.

>she's literally a virgin.
How do you know? Have you checked?

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Her body her choice. Worry about yourself. She’s going to be a whore no matter what you do

Take your meds

Have sex with her

You hit them with your hand

>Tongue piercing
Yeah good luck

>Faggot. Atheists deserve this and worse.
i'm a catholic you mong.

Link to her onlyfans?

Do you really think she'd tell you the truth about her virginity? Lmfao. Lying is second nature to women. I personally know lots who are perfect little angels in their parents' eyes but massive whores behind their back.

ban tiktok

did you explain how humans are god's sibling? that she was born as close to god as she could ever become, and to change that which is already perfect, you better have a good reason

Show me her friends and I'll show you what kind of person she is. A good friend group can prevent or guide her slide into degeneracy.

>She also pierced her tongue.
she is already a blowjob queen aka a degenerate whore

Hot. Offer me a dowry and I'll marry her and fuck the slut out of her.

so you tolerate being ruled over by rapists who steal land?

Get your dick pierced on attach a six inch leash or she's going to end up blowing Gerome for crack.

>She's literally a virgin, try again.
Don't be so naive. Pierced girls are always massive sluts with a high bodycount.

She is already lost.Save yourself.


Anything a woman/girl does for vanity, is done for sexual attention

This didn’t happen.

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Youre in for Seba time

Women are trash with a heroin drip system between their legs because they were genetically engineered to be gangbang whores for the Annukai.
They were engineered for this.
There is no stopping it without a complete reset of the society producing them.

You already know.

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They have too much freedom to tell them no so the only relation you can make is that the more she gets the less employable she'll be generationally. You can actually prove that one.

My eyebrows are sexier than this whitey

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>she's still a virgin

user, I....


Yeah that won't work
Cut the cord to the vaccum cleaner and strip the wires..

stop posting all these goth blue eyed women my dick is swolling

that romanian thread 2

user, electricity follows the path of least resistance. This wouldn't shock her.

More like mother is living out her repressed slut fantasies through her daughter. I'm not even joking one bit. Same taxon as the "cool mom" who buys alcohol/drugs for her underage kids.

Then beat the shit out of her and bury the body. You hate kikes and trannies, right? Your (((daughter))) might be one. Also, she fucks niggers.

Get it back in blood.

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She is just joining lesbianism: tongue piercing is to lick the pussy, nose piercing is just something common among lesbians. Good luck when she’ll get her nipples too, and then go out without bra in tank top

congrats, you're 15+ years too late to the parenting game

Bof yo hoes is getting the BBC.

It honestly doesn't matter

get it back in something

>shes a virgin
How would you know?

>She's literally a virgin, she told me so, try again

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it gets hot you son of a whore

Honestly though, How do you raise a girl in the western world? My partner is pregnant, too early to find out whether boy/girl so I'm mentally preparing myself in case.

outside of being a Mennonite how can a father raise a respectable woman?

post her nudes