Buffalo: AR-15

Buffalo: AR-15
Boulder: AR-15
Orlando: AR-15
Parkland: AR-15
Las Vegas: AR-15
Aurora, CO: AR-15
Sandy Hook: AR-15
Waffle House: AR-15
San Bernardino: AR-15
Midland/Odessa: AR-15
Poway synagogue: AR-15
Sutherland Springs: AR-15
Tree of Life Synagogue: AR-15

Attached: 085C9CDB-9464-4C12-BCA7-4391B07FB35C.jpg (1170x1048, 336.45K)

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Good thing nee york's AR ban stopped the shooter. Oh, wait

Ur nose: hooked
Ur mom: gay

Sounds like a proven platform to me!

Sounds like a quality firearm. Proven track record. You sold me.

This. AR 15s are a rifle you can trust.

I was about to buy an AK-47, and to be honest, I feel like a fucking idiot. What was I thinking? Am I a joke? AR-15’s are the best personal defense weapon, it has to be

Would be based if weak, effeminate mutt nu-males could actually handle the recoil of an AR-10. Would love to have seen Payton take off nigger scalps and make them black water melons go boom with a .308.

they ban them you retard

End freemasonry in police. Their oaths are the linchpin of corruption in society


Attached: Freemason USA cops.jpg (720x284, 114.92K)

think of all the lives saved if we banned driving

Nope, the shooter didn't use a banned rifle.

Now do what psych meds they were on

It’s almost as if glowniggers are working for the leftists staging false flags to upset the ignorant masses to revoke rights. Literal Marxist playbook.

If the MSM and the glowies weren't pushing for constant drama, this wouldn't have been an issue. Just mention it on the evening news, not even as the main story, just something at the end of the program, before the weather or sports report or whatever. Not only will this discourage future shooters, it will also prevent any kind of government meddling in civilian life, setting up precedents to reform or create new laws, that deal with security and take away people's liberties and privacy all in the name of safety.


You're a retard. Shut the fuck up

The AR-10 is a fucking piece of shit. I own one.

Just let us disarm the kulaks, goy. Nothing bad will happen, goy.

Attached: 1595461230660.jpg (805x1024, 160.08K)

Do you know that information or are you just implying meds make them do this
Because user, crazy people exist without the need for meds to make them crazy, you need to come to terms with that

Attached: 1648090691529.webm (800x786, 2.95M)


This is why I own 4 AR-10s

How dare you sir!

>t. (((psychiatrist)))

good thing i've got an AR-66

Don't understand how you retards are able to gun down innocent people mercilessly but spill spaghetti all over yourselves when trying to talk to a women. Makes no sense. If you're able to KILL someone, you're able to get pussy. Easy.

Attached: Titus.png (770x795, 93.48K)

killing someone with the pull of a trigger is the equivalent of cumming to internet porn, it's an easy solution for a problem that usually requires effort

Don’t bother responding to shills. That pasta is all over today.

AKs are great too. There were a few shootings with those