Leftist ideas don't spread on websites where there is free speech, but why? Pic related, red dit mods

Leftist ideas don't spread on websites where there is free speech, but why? Pic related, red dit mods

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That is because when you tolerate all kinds of speech the more bigoted and extremist individuals (i.e. the right wing) will take over the site through aggression and violence. Therefore in order to protect other forms of though you have to suppress those ideologies. Ironically to protect tolerance and free speech you have to be intolerant towards hate speech.

Uh is he filming a Rollercoaster photo booth?

It is very simple to answer, because everything they believe in, democracy, multiculturalism, feminism, atheism, etc etc etc... Are retarded ideology, only a child who dosnt know this world would believe in, the moment a grown up man, who know what kind of world he lives in, will be able to easily destroy every single one of his worthless belief. The only way for them to win an argument, is by censoring the adult, destroying the debate, make sure to stay in an echo chamber, where only child and shill are allowed to talk

May God destroy them and torture them for eternity, only then my soul will be pleased

Yes. Just like how the red dit mods desperately try to prevent people from seeing the truth

Go black redditardo

Yeah right. Reddit is a literal lefty hugbox, if you even discreetly name the Jew or say things against the mainstream lefty narrative you will be banned from posting.

Because you are a fucking retard.

Because you are a fucking retard.

actual leftist ideals can spread anywhere since they are pretty logical conclusions if you are not rich or a cuck
cultural marxism idpol lgbtqtkmnwe+ etc are not inherently leftist and are based on double think so they can only exist in echo chambers that constantly reiforce said double think

because leftism is a mental disorder

Because you are a fucking retard.

Reddit is a shithole, but it's not the same as Any Forums or Any Forums.

why does this look like chud?
why do all left wing humans look exactly like this????

Reminder that Any Forums has overly strict moderation.

Because they are not real people, they are bots.

FPH was the freedom canary, when that and coontown went down it was time to get the fuck off the site.

>Leftist ideas
these don't exist, there is just one idea, and it's to do the opposite of god

>the ideas spread because they are aggressively pushed
The lack of self awareness is astronomical.

Because globalism or the appeal to all demographics is more marketable in that it aims to include everyone. When you have spaces with more anonymity and less moderation, less rules, you find the more fringe opinions come from people who don't have their resume on the line with every racist opinion. There aren't many places for people to go when they're racist and want to express racism so they quickly find each other and gravitate there.

>logical conclusions to dishonest syllogisms, manipulated data and the abandonment of classical logic systems.

It's like how mudslime terrorist groups can control an area; by giving them room to operate and normalize their politics and practices, when they take over and uphold their beliefs with violence "free speech" becomes the freedom to get murdered for your heresy. "Well if they didn't want to get killed they shouldn't have done that, maybe they should just leave".

I agree with you, leaf. Leftists are just too much of a pussy to fight back.

Oh, Round 2 of Legalized Escalation to Violence because I heard mean words that made me lose Control of Myself?


Niggers are guilty of this. I heard nigger, I got violent! Jews! Immigrants from shitholes!

They all use this excuse! Muslims! She was dressed like a whore! I lost control and raped!

Lock up all animals that Lose Control or your society will never. Ever. Be at peace.