Whites are weak, submissive, shy, pale (seen as sick), have no style, cannot dance, have no cultural impact...

whites are weak, submissive, shy, pale (seen as sick), have no style, cannot dance, have no cultural impact, bad genetics (bad in sports)
There is absolutely no reason for white women to be with white boys
Women want an Instagram lifestyle, they want a dark skinned men with designer clothing, not some pathetic skinny fat faggots with 3 inches.
The hobby of a white boy is to spend his day on a board to discuss evil jews and who's whiter
You think women are interested in a race with an inferiority complex?

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George floyd

White bois kneel to the black kings.

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Niggers aren't humans, go kill yourself subhuman monkey, and speak and write in your monkey language

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Cope nigger

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basado. make sure to share this when they say we wont do shit

Good thread nigger lmao! Get rekt

Imagine the BBC she is getting.. imagine how BBC woke her up sexually

sorry I don't understand blacknese, btw when are your brothers and sisters going back to africa?

>women want an instagram lifestyle
Lol, you're a feminine nigger that worships white women aren't you? don't worry, be a good lil, niggerboy slave and do what they demand of you, maybe you'll get a shred of pussy.

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Cool story chang.

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>you won’t do shit goy

>we will kill yo grannies buck boi
I'm sure that scares all the thug niggers in gangs carrying drum mags

nice ethiopian vpn

>Women want
Not my problem nor do I care about what they want

Destroy niggers in every war. Enslave them.
>no style
Nigger designers? Where?
>have no cultural impact
Your whole nigger life is defined by how much you can adhere to our white society.
>Instagram lifestyle
White made and dominated
>skinny fat
"All nigs are fitness models." Kill yourself.
>evil jews
That's why you niggers are the jew golem. You can´t even read.

>You think women are interested in a race with an inferiority complex?
Yet, you need:
- The whole BLM thing.
- Math to be dumbed down for niggers.
- Oscars telling you need a negro in your movie if you want to be able to participate.
- Quotas in college, work...
- Forced overrepresentation in jew owned media.
- Economic help from the government, organizations...
So much for the superior race kek. Unless niggers as a whole wake up to JQ, every country should send niggers back to their Africa shithole, so jews can't use them to break society.

Don't read. Kill your self faggot

Blacks can do nothing but run, jump, and act like a monkey....
They don't give awards anymore for how much cotton one can pick...so they moved to sports.
I see your racism and raised you see how that works.

>white boys
>have no style

lol, I know you're just a nigger but this is too funny.

Yes, Whites aren't what they used to be.

I long for a new Pax Romana, except more genocide of subversive AND low intelligence populations.


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You can have them, you fucking shitskin. Meanwhile we superior men will take the obviously superior women. Enjoy our sloppy seconds.

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We're fucking those, sorry.
Finders keepers.

Those white women simply fetishize you. They are mentally ill because no sane white female would ever lay with a literal animal. Your natural body"odor" alone is repulsive to normal caucasians. Its just a weird kink but the problem is they shit out these mutts of horror who need to be exterminated at one point because they totally fuck up the genepool.

That's why they're going to be extinct soon. Time isn't on their side.

the Aryan dream is dead, give up