Why men from these countries race mix so much?

why men from these countries race mix so much?

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I dunno. I don't see a lot of race mixing here.

Why do women from these countries race mix so much?

shut up memeflag nigger, married to white wife who wants 10 glorious aryan babies

I don't notice it that much from those countries aside from Sweden. The Netherlands have a prostitution problem but I'd say racemixing is far more prevalent in France, Italy, and England as well.

you live in a nigger country. You are a disgrace.

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french/german men love sheboons for some reason
I've never seen any race mixing slavs

Slavs have the most white children per capita of any group.

because all 3 of these countries lost their "ethnicity"
they don't have anything in common with their ancestors, but they have everything in common with the global media and global urbanites, so why not mingle with niggers and sandniggers? we are all humans after all :^)

Because they are low IQ.

Remove denmark
They have the least mutts
And add uk

right wingers have a thing for dark skinned girls

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Post real flag faggot.

because they are not even people they are ogres

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actually ring wingers have a thing for dark skinned men fucking white girls

you need to visit copenhagen then, you’ll be shocked by the amount of WMAW couples there.

All Thai women belong to Swedish men.

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kek, keeper.

we don't
next question

So second swedistan? Copenhagen needs to burn. The further you get from Copenhagen, the less degenerate society becomes. We should still get rid of everyone even a smidge darker than our queen.

grim picture

Don't be jealous now.

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The problem is with the niggers and the sandniggers
Amsterdam is like a big zoo for every type of mutts but mostly niggers