GMO is fucking horseshit.

Genetically Modified Organism

Tell me why in the fuck they can't just pick the Orange from the tree and sell it, why do they do this Lab bullshit?

If GMO wasn't horseshit, they would have transparency in how exactly the Food was modified but there is zero transparency and that's all you need to know to know GMO is horseshit.

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GMOs came about with the idea of being able to feed more people. We still waste everything and people are starving.

How does that make sense unless the food is less nutritious

so they can destroy genetic diversity of plants and make it easier for famines to occur.

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a way for kikes to control the food you eat by patenting genetics and creating agriculture monopolies. as always they package some good willed lie to disguise the truth. you think monsanto gives a fuck about niggers in africa? fuck no, just money and control

corrupting our ability to grow food naturally whilst selling us back a nutritionally inferior version that harms our health in turn making more money for the pharma cartel, its genius really

>plagues ravage farmlands
>make genetically engineered crop that does not wither as easily from pesticide
>apply pesticide more often
>plagues are less of a problem
>more food

Its all great in paper, until you learn genetics is a game of zero-sum. What does a GMO crop sacrifice from its natural structure to inherit a plague-resistant gene? No one knows, but you will given time, as their test subject.

On paper*

Also, theres also the whole patenting can of worms that is terrible, as others mentioned

>Why do they do this Lab bullshit?
To make more money, retard.

>Zero sum
Functionally, there isn't a limited amount of sunlight.

Look up what fruits used to look like vs what they look like now. Bananas, carrots, eggplants, corn.

>To make more money,

Because Monsanto is a bunch of satanic kikes who want to control the world and make everyone slaves.

Why would someone sell you a better seed that will produce 30% more? Why donĀ“t the modified plants give seeds? Is is for me to buy more next year?

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Fruit and Vegetable are genetically modified to be more vibrant, larger and sweeter. This is bad for mankind, our bodies need to work harder to filter the elevated amount of fructose in the fruit/vegetable.


The consumer, or the company?

It's just another form of control, but the control is less obvious.

Also, GMO food is generally shit, because they are using genes that have already been selected for. The GMO process just adds in some random bits from a different organism, so the resulting plant has the traits of both the parent organisms. The end result is that you're basically taking the traits of one organism and transferring them to another, so the traits you're transferring are not actually selected for in the parent organism.

I think that it's better to take traits from multiple species and breed them into a new one. This is more like evolution.

Well if you want a non schizo tier argument for the production of GMO "food" is because organic food grows slower and in certain climates whereas GMO food is mainly invented to grow faster and in unnatural climates to feed the billions of people living on the planet.
You see, organic food production is insufficient to feed the current slave population of people.

>If GMO wasn't horseshit, they would have transparency in how exactly the Food was modified

They do, but you are too lazy / stupid to look it up. Here's your non GMO corn

Attached: Teosinte.jpg (498x584, 37.1K)

All oranges are "gmo" as they are a mandarin and pomelo crossbreed that did not arise naturally.