US Military vs Entire World Combined

Who wins? Let’s assume no nukes are involved

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USA, with 1 hand behind their back.

Vietnam vs. America = ?

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We’ll considering the US never totally beat the taliban, I’d say it’s pretty obvious. When goat herders btfo us, it’s pretty hard to be smug

How many able bodied males are in the US vs the rest of the world and how many missiles and artillery does each side have?

There was a time where we would (as long as the gloves are off) but America today is too fat to fight a war

If we went scorched earth on them it would have been a different story. The US military was built for WWII style wars.

The US made the mistake of thinking that you can use American soldiers as peacekeepers to “stabilize” a region.

do we just have to get them to back off or do we have to occupy, nation-build, win hearts and minds etc?

America couldn't even beat goatherders and rice pickers lmao

They can barely feed themselves, America had to attack itself just to get a fight.

What is wrong with Canadian women?

I thought American girls were bad, but I went over the border the other day and holy shit. Literal whores. How do you tolerate that?

>who wins
Ahahahhahahhah, ha hahahhahhahh ha!

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And those literal faggots would still destroy your crumbling roachhole of a country

US crumbles once there is more than 1 front. Full Spectrum Dominance and air supremacy will fail once they have to split or prioritize one target

Greece got 6 million population, a we would still kick you faggots ass sideways if no nukes involved.
China's, North Korea and Russia sure are shifting their pants at the thought of your xir/xer soldiers charging them with pink dildos.

The Taliban

Seems like cope to me

The US doesn’t have soldiers charge like retards from the 16th century.

We have shit like B2s and UAVs that would decimate your third world cities without a single soldier stepping foot in the human feces of Athens.

And yet you lost to the taliban

>the US doesn't have soldiers
That's what I'm saying. So we do agree.

mutts lost against Taliban, no way they can take the world lol

I hate racemixing but I don't blame so many Canadian dudes going for Asians. Our women really are horrific. I think it's the combo of being more cucked and anti-white than any other country plus the shit weather half the year fhat makes people feel down. The result is hyper leftist women that are all hopped up on (((meds))) that alter their hormones to be even crazier than nornal. They're not as fat as American women but yeah, pretty terrible. No bullshit I was walking downtown and saw an old neurotic looking white bitch wearing a hat with a picture of Mao on it.

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Big moth for someone who couldn't even take Greece, nevermind Europe, nevermind ZA WARUDO.

Your country is dogshit, when I visited I really didn’t expect it to be so bad. It’s like if Belarus wanted to be Italian

The world? If Canada and Mexico participate, everyone would ship their forces there and then to a massive zerg-rush, The US does not have enough men, missiles, or other weaponry to step are 100 million chinese army let alone a 1 billion world army

*stop a

Non whites in America would tear the country apart before anyone would have time to attack it

At least our kids aren't being indoctrinated by faggots, and groomed by niggers, while slaving for jews.
Quiet some country you are fighting for.

The US does not have enough men, missiles, or other weaponry to step are 100 million chinese army let alone a 1 billion world army

I think you vastly underestimate how many guns, missiles, and capable people are actually in America

>At least our kids aren't being indoctrinated by faggots, and groomed by niggers, while slaving for jews.

Oh my sweet summer child.

the us military is the biggest meme of all time

yes, their BUDGET is more than the rest of the world combined, but that's only because they rely on private company contracts so they pay jew prices

the us military is like a retard spending 1000000 for bottle of wine and saying "hurrrr see how much I'm spending, i'm much better than youuu"

and you are not considering how many of those gun owners would just join the enemy in a heartbeat

After your display in Afganistan?? Lel. A single batalion of Balkan BVLLS can eviscerate all of your """men""". Now if you take into account France, Bongland and Russia I think it's pretty obvious. Now we just need a catalyst.

Goat fuckers and gooks beat the USA all the time.

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We're talking about a massive land war, with tens of thousands of tanks and artillery, lard-ass redneck muricans with guns aren't going to stop shit. your Navy has less ships than the Chinese, now add every other country out in the world to it.