Did Australia just witness bi-partisan destruction of transgender theory?

Interviewer: "In a sentence, how do you define a woman?"
Federal Opposition Leader: "An adult female."
Australian Prime Minister: "A member of the female sex."
Interviewer: "Well, that's good to hear."


I would have thought that at least the centre left opposition leader would have paid at least some lip service, but it was over before it began.

What is happening, ausbros?

Attached: what_is_a_woman.png (745x684, 500.33K)

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>believing anything said before an election
one or both of them will likely cuck on that in a year or two

(you need to copy-paste the link to a new tab in order to get to the timestamp)

Conservative blowback against Trannys is worth more votes than some pink haired libtard.

Possibly, but Albanese seems to contradict the Labor National Platform, which explicitly acknowledges transgender rights at least with regard to health care services.

From the Labor National Platform (pic related):
>Labor acknowledges the needs and rights of transgender and gender diverse people to fair, equal and affordable access to health care services
I wonder if Albo copped any blowback from this.

Attached: labor-national-platform-trans.png (1464x1191, 418.2K)

it is true for both of them. Here is a pretty good vote counting explainer for our preferential voting scheme for those who don't know how it works,

We have the same crap here, most recently with climate change which was referred to as our nuclear free moment and a time that comes once in a generation by the Prime Minister who is now backflipping like a Jedi trying to escape a Siths blade as her polling tumbles to record lows and threats of new protests mount.

Yeah, that was the same for me. The Liberals had to change the policy, because the previous policy was that if you're born a male you can use a female-only service.

It was an election issue.

The left unironically can only get power when the vast majority of people are miserable. Thus they spend most of their time trying to sow division and stir up drama. In times of relative peace and prosperity though, they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel of grievances and prod the absurd microcosms of society into complaining hoping their plight is sympathetic enough to win over voters.

Now that actual existential misery is widespread, there is absolutely no need to indulge the useful idiots and doing so would actually hurt their political chances.

None of this is new, you can easily figure this out if you look into the history of far left countries and just look at the stance of Russia or China today in regards to homosexuals, trannies etc.

>Australian Prime Minister: "A member of the female sex."

The most redpilled statement of the night.

The island of kangaroo fuckers that casually refer to their best friends and family as cunts and twats doesn't have a hard time calling women as adult females.

I'm shocked. SHOCKED I SAY.

>backflipping like a Jedi trying to escape a Siths blade as her polling tumbles to record lows
>no need to indulge the useful idiots and doing so would actually hurt their political chances
Except Labor is polling ahead of Liberal, so one wonders why Albo wouldn't run with the party line to show consistency with stated values. I guess the "small target" election strategy continues. Or Labor somehow protects transgender rights without attributing the "woman" label to MTFs, which seems unlikely.

>None of this is new, you can easily figure this out if you look into the history of far left countries and just look at the stance of Russia or China today in regards to homosexuals, trannies etc.
Except in the current Australian context, we're talking about the left wing party challenging the right wing party at an election, shouldn't they currently be in the pro-trans phase of things?

Attached: maul.jpg (500x500, 77.67K)

>Australian Prime Minister: "A member of the female sex."

A woman is a woman, whether you like it or not.

I was in a meeting where they discussed the "woman" thing and how they couldn't get the right answer from their experts. I don't think the "woman" thing was ever really an issue for them, they just needed a good sound bite to attack the opposition on.

Yeah, except both idiots fucked it up lol.

Attached: adult-human-female.jpg (2880x1616, 247.01K)

>I don't think the "woman" thing was ever really an issue for them
Maybe not, things here are always slightly less insane than your neck of the woods.
But I would be extremely surprised if Labor wins election and maintains its election stance on this.

Attached: optimus.jpg (1920x1920, 377.86K)

this is retarded. dogwhistle issue because theyre desperate.

your inability to buy a house + setting us up for big pension costs by letting idiots raid their super is more fucking important than dicks in hypothetical womens sports teams you mugs

>Except in the current Australian context, we're talking about the left wing party challenging the right wing party at an election, shouldn't they currently be in the pro-trans phase of things?

The left is in the trans phase of things. The right is in the trans phase of things. The left has a majority of trannies, the right has a majority of trannies.

The right is currently in the trans phase of things, the left is currently in the tranny phase of things.

>Except Labor is polling ahead of Liberal, so one wonders why Albo wouldn't run with the party line to show consistency with stated values.
Clinton explained it best with her, public and private position line. Privately, these people know damn well these ideas are insane. Publicly they will support them entirely because it's politically convenient to do so at that current moment in time. The second it stops being politically convenient, they drop it as if it was radioactive. It's also why they are very iconoclastic and focused on changing, redefining and destroying history; entirely to hide evidence of their flipflopping.

>shouldn't they currently be in the pro-trans phase of things?
Not when there are now legitimate issues such as skyrocketing inflation and large sections of the population are now struggling to afford the basic necessities. Placating absurd positions can easily be spun into not taking the far greater issues seriously nor just plainly not caring about them, losing far more voters than they ever would gain by appeasing these tiny communities.

That's just a politician.

>in a sentence, how do you define a woman?

"A person that's a woman."

>wog hates poofs

Bless his greasy pasta heart. Still putting the majors last

I was just about to ask the same thing. What a bunch of cunts.

Those aussie news kikes are fucking hideous... A female is anyone born without a y chromosome. That is the simplest factual way to put it.

>What is happening, ausbros?
must've got a look at the early voting and shit themselves when clive palmer was projected to become PM
>winning so many votes they let him rule from the senate

>in the future this is one of the important topics that politics will be about