Project Veritas published a new story on Monday night featuring footage of Twitter Senior Engineer, Siru Murugesan, discussing how employees at the tech company “hate” Elon Musk’s impending acquisition of Twitter among several other explosive soundbites.
Leaving no doubt to one of the primary sources of the rift between Musk and employees at Twitter, Murugesan at one point says: “Twitter does not believe in free speech… Elon believes in free speech.”
Murugesan: “Our jobs are at stake, he's a capitalist and we weren't really operating as capitalists, more like very socialist. Like we're all like commie as f**k.”
Murugesan on attempts to prevent the Musk deal: “We did all we could to like revolt against it. A lot of employees were revolting against it.”
Murugesan on Twitter offering equal access to both parties: “I don't know if two parties can truly coexist on one platform.”
Murugesan on how Twitter employees are dealing with the changes at Twitter: “They're like, ‘this would be my last day if it happens…’ a lot has changed. Like, we're stress eating a lot. Like, we're all worried for our jobs.”

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Project Veritas published explosive undercover footage on Monday night featuring one of Twitter’s senior engineers discussing the dynamics behind internal reactions to the acquisition of the tech company by business magnate, Elon Musk.
In the video, Twitter Sr. Engineer, Siru Murugesan, says many of his colleagues have voiced “this would be my last day if it happens,” referring to Musk’s high publicized intended purchase of Twitter. He also says employees at Twitter are “stress-eating” and “worried for our jobs.”
More significant than those soundbites are the reasons he says employees at Twitter feel this way.
“Our jobs are at stake; he's a capitalist and we weren't really operating as capitalists, more like very socialist,” Murugesan says before adding, “we're all like commie as f**k.”
Murugesan also pointed to free speech being one of the core issues employees at Twitter have with its new likely owner, Elon Musk.
When asked about the difference between Twitter's definition of free speech and Musk’s, the Sr. Engineer left no room for interpretation. “Twitter does not believe in free speech,” said Murugesan answering the undercover journalist.
Back in March, Musk said he was a “free speech absolutist” and clarified his comments further adding, “By free speech, I simply mean that which matches the law. I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law. If people want less free speech, they will ask government to pass laws to that effect. Therefore, going beyond the law is contrary to the will of the people.”
Murugesan also explained how Twitter employees did all they could to “revolt against” Musk’s takeover of the company.
“We did all we could to like revolt against it. A lot of employees were revolting against it, but at the end of the day, the board of directors have the say.”

“I don't know if two parties can truly coexist on one platform,” he adds.
He goes on to explain that Musk has “very socialist” beliefs, while Twitter is “very capitalist.”
Murugesan’s comments on Twitter’s attempt to make the acquisition a “win-win” for both parties is even more revealing.
“We tried to offer equal access to both parties. Like, if they don't want to be a part of this, we want them to have the same access that we have,” he says.
He then explains that Musk “has been saying, ‘we're not going to change Twitter, we're not going to change our values.’”
“I don't know if two parties can truly coexist on one platform,” he adds.
In addition to the video, Project Veritas also published a second video on Monday night featuring a Twitter engineer saying, “It's like we're in a dystopian future, where Twitter is run by a fascist regime.”

Colour me not shocked.

a fucking poojeet of all things

> commies
> revolting
Let's be honest, they did absolutely nothing to revolt or be communists, they just like the name communists and think whinging on their slack channels is revolvting.

>real communism hasn't been tried
Wrong. These people are cringe and wrong, but they are communists. It's like saying that Azov neo-Nazis aren't real Nazis from the NSDAP. Who cares? They're still Nazis.

He even knows how to take the poo to the loo absolute madman.

>“Our jobs are at stake, he's a capitalist and we weren't really operating as capitalists, more like very socialist. Like we're all like commie as f**k.”
Lying piece of shit. These people aren't socialists, and certainly aren'ty communists. They like the idea of Marxism, as some strange fetish or status-signaller but they are all radlibs and ZOG collaborators more than eager to work and expand institutions of liberal capitalism.

>These people are cringe and wrong, but they are communists.
They aren't, they're radical liberals who like the idea of being resistance fighters in star wars, but they're just status-seekers doing anything their ZOG CEO's tell them to do. When Musk is in charge, they'll do as they are told.


Elon needs to fire them all

based. their "ideologies" are just an other consumer product like an expensive smart phone or fancy clothing.

>they're hypocrites who preach one thing and do another
So they're communists.

We all know Musk isn't gong to get Twatter, the poo CEO isn't going to do what needs to be done in order for him to finalize the purchase.

Exactly. They're completely depoliticized.
I'm really tired of newfags with their liberal priors. 'Fascism' is not a byword for Authoritarians, and 'Hypocrisy' is not a byword for Communist. These people are not communist.s They are radicla liberals. If you want to see what an actual communist or marxist looks and talks like then go visit leftypol, a dead board filled with blackpilled marxist autists still pining for their dead politic. Marxism is dead. It's never coming back. It's nothing more than a fashionable status-signal for liberal idiots. These people aren't even socialists. They don't want socialism. They expand liberalism and capitalism and anti-whiteness, because ZOG rewards them for it.

It's important to understand how this system works, and ZOG is quite happy to use 'communism' as a boogeyman among the 'right' to get people to support conservatism and liberal global expansionism.

shut the fuck up you stupid nigger memeflag faggot

Seethe more, ZOG shill. Fucking seethe as I effortpost and inform my people of the correct understanding of how your system operates.

>Project Veritas
Oh, look, them again

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who cares what the poo patrol thinks. theyre all fired.


>it's not communism
>it's not socialism
>it's not fascism
>it's liberalism gone wild
Same shit, different smell

Peter Thiel is a homosexual