James masons siege or Che Guevara guerrilla warfare

Both great books that stimulated my revolutionary mind in the most satisfying way possible …. But which one do you guys think is better ? Lone wolf or Guerrilla ?

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fuck off with your commie garbage.

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I’m not a commie … Anarchy is the way my friend

Both are good. I like guerrilla more.

Lone wolf.

OP is a glowing satanist.

Nice try glowie

>revolutionary mind
degenerate enlightenment bullshit

This one's alright too in my opinion.


Where do I get good based books from?

Honestly, there are two ways to look at it.
>Che was objectively more successful (though he got btfoed in Bolivia and Africa)
>Mason's objectives are closer to ours
Read both. Use Che's tactics to achieve Mason's goals.

Che is better, because he actually killed commies.

Lmao fuck off glowie.

What the fuck is this. Is this really the state of Any Forums we are rejecting James mason and Manson now? What the fuck?
Who are you people? Who is paying you to do this? Fuck off.

You fuck off. Read the fucking book you anti White fuck. resist.com/Onlinebooks/Siege.pdf

Read Tempol ov Blood and Liber 333

lone wolf is more applicable because of the rampant infestation of glowies any movement will end up fed lead first at the beginning they will act more extreme then their competition in leadership then will go milk toast when they go mainstream or they will go fro entrapment

James Mason's website is pretty cool

It’s siege for me … being in a big city the information therein was more useful for me .. the lone wolf being more like a urban guerrilla opposed to the rural guerrilla warfare Che was accustom to

>tempel ov blood
>liber 333
Shitty satanic jewish subversion and completely useless.


ships from Bulgaria

>Read Tempol ov Blood
You mean the Joshua Sutter outlet that through former Atomwaffen Leader Kaleb Cole's work got exposed for being funded by the FBI as a front? You mean that faggot?

I would rather be a fed at this point. You people are worthless.

larping kike

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Josh is that you buddy? Did that $80,000 you got from the FBI run out already?

I prefer the Bible


Thanks ‼ Just downloaded it this is good shit …