Is religion just a cope for people who cant handle life?

Is religion just a cope for people who cant handle life?

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No, it's a cope for people who can't handle death.

alternatively, it's one way of handling life

Man is a religious animal. Simple as.

You're almost there, you will find out tho true evil does exist and the one thing evil hates is if you have hope and faith. You will want to hold these close because they are too strong to be taken from you but also to spite evil. To hell with satan.

No he is not
I dont "need" someone to tell me what to do or to control over me

Yes, also it's a symptom of schizophrenia. Atheists often become religious after onset of schizophrenia because they suddenly see meaning in patterns on the walls and hear "god's" voice. This explains why Any Forums is so religious.

How do you know satan exists?
Sure evil exists, but it is made by humans, not some skitzo figure

It's not that theists cant stand life, it's that they cant handle death (permanent non-existence
) or meaninglessness.

You'd have to be seriously deluded to believe in that nonsense.

You can't handle life either. We are all tiny powerless specks in a vast mostly hostile universe. Lucky for you, God is willing to take care of you if you would just stop being retarded. Repent and be saved

In the same sense the lack of religion is cope for people who can't handle life, yes.

Why do atheists commit suicide at such a high rate of you don't really need religion to handle life?


Its a cope for people who cant accept that life is ultimately pointless. At some point in the future the universe will die along with everything in it, so all of the time we spend advancing this, that and the other at some point is going to be a complete waste, time to return to monke and just enjoy the ride.

you have no idea if god exists or not and you never will
your specific god probably doesnt exist


no. it just exploits this trait in them.

All successful civilizations have sought God. You're just a nigger.


Religion is the blossom of sapience
Every man shoul kneel at least once to God

the spice must flow


You tell me. Are 41%ers mostly catholic or atheist?

>Why do atheists commit suicide at such a high rate of you don't really need religion to handle life?
Because white people kys more than nigs and spics which make up most of Christianity. The god you worship killed himself too. Your apostles willingly died (assisted suicide) for their beliefs. Judas kills himself for betraying Jesus as well.

Yes. Yes, he is.
Yes, you need someone to tell you what to do and control you. You need this because you are obviously an idiot.

OP, religion is a primitive form of science, philosophy, social engineering and propaganda. It is necessary to put order to life for those that can not logic out the repercussions of their choices. It is a safe preset logic that allows plug and play on basic human consciousness. It also provides basic instructions on logic, thought, and ethics for those who want to actually try to figure things out for themselves.

It was also the internet for primitive societies. Entertainment, social media, and news stories all roll into one.

Because why suffer if there is no afterlife? Religious people literally suffer for no reason, thinking it's just temporary and they will be saved, and it's all a lie. They could have been resting in peace all this time if they killed themselves instead of being kept alive in misery just to boost church membership or prop up the collective delusion/hope.

What religion are you talking about? The one with UFO's and aliens landing in India, or the one where a Indian Prince died under a tree, or the one with a illiterate mass murdering pedorapist slaver as their ideal messenger from the Moon god? The only non-cope is listening to somebody that can prove what they are telling you is true. And guess which one that is.

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it makes it easier to think you're going to hogwarts when you die rather than having the lights turned off

No, it's more like an additional aspect in it

You are a basedboy if you need a boss