This is today's frontpage of Australia's main public newspaper

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>Robyns family say they fully support the vaccine rollout
well thats that. vaxxies wont even give a shit when their loved ones die
the brainwashing is totally complete

10 years from now 80% of the world population will be dead from the clotshot.

>that nose

>mother dies of reaction to vaxx
>complain about govt doing nothing for them
>keep repeating the vaxxie talking points
>no refunds you stupid vaxxie cunts

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>vaccines are safe and effective

look at the beak on that demon

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Astrazenecachad reporting. No mRNA poison for me and I go wherever I want. Feels good to be part of the uncucked crew bros

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Safe and effective
No Jab no job
Get your booster
Get your booster
Get your booster
Get your booster

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Only violence will solve this, lots of it

I hope you get vaccinated and die from polio or some other vaccine related disease.

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I don't think you know what "die from" means

why would we get vaxxed you dopey cunt?

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Retardation, the post

I hope you get a flu shot and die from a fucking virus

I don't want to die from a disease that has already been eradicated in the West.

rawbeans family is salivating at their anticipated inheritance

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we warned you and you banned us. now is time for payback

Good strategy. Admit some death. Now you can go only 11 people died. Still safer then coof. Kinda impressive how Australian totalitarian state is only one who is learning and evolving.