So is this place just bots now?

Serious question.. I’ve heard this before but never actually experienced it till tonight. I feel like anytime someone calls this shooting fake, it gets fucking yeeted with nonsense. Also yes, it’s fake.. shooting someone point blank in the fucking head while they lie on a white tile floor would immediately and visibly produce blood. Likely, from a physics standpoint.. it would burst..

Attached: 442866D8-9861-424C-909D-F8247B2A4CFE.gif (396x475, 3.6M)

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Gif related

Attached: 66F8F367-F0AF-4E98-910F-98DAD51C4385.gif (167x298, 1.24M)

If you've never experienced it before then you've probably been the victim of it or just only participate in crap bot threads to begin with.

go use this site for better Any Forums experience:

Sort by creation date and watch how fast it is..I think the spammed ones that aren't baked are on timer or something.

That’s what they are saying. They have no evidence to back up their claim.

Like wtf is this? And it continued responding to other responses not making any sense at all. Fucking bizarre.

Attached: DD22E088-DDAA-4939-B1A1-CAAFC0AC4BAF.jpg (828x1298, 289.98K)

for me it's the opposite, the ones saying it's fake are the bots.

Attached: 1652760875857.png (500x500, 30.25K)

Dude wtf is happening...

>phone posting
you are a living bot OP

if jews didnt put enough attention to controlling information flow they would be exterminated long ago
if you try to break their narrative you will be attacked no matter where you go

Attached: 1546938993488.png (2790x9886, 1.62M)

What is that? 30.06?
The other is .223. Might be a difference.

Who’s jewing whom?

Attached: 554C4D2E-8801-4375-B1A7-9D7164F56FA4.jpg (587x611, 234.03K)

Yeah okay... use ur fucking brain and think for a second. I have no clue why they would fake it, Mossad kills and doesn’t give a flying fuck. Children, women.. black, white, muslim.. they don’t give a fuck. I don’t understand why they faked the vid. I almost wish I hadn’t seen it, but this shit is STAGED and I don’t know why. End result is the same I guess but the bot shit is really telling to me. I’ve been replying to computers for like 4 years now I guess. Cause now their just not making sense at all.

Wtf does this have to do with anything? See. Shit like this.

It’s a .308

Bumpin cause any actual anons should understand this, I can’t believe I’ve never noticed this.

Definitely a bigger round to knock that deer around like that.

I understand that but like wtf why would they stage this? Why not just kill them for real? I hate that I saw this video. The movement and tactics in the video is not an 18 year old. That’s an operator with training. I’m also confused how these bots work.. they never seem to say nigger, or kike. Which is about all I got honestly, other than responses are literally braindead. I use to think it was stupid zoomers.

Always has been just bots
no one here is real and no one here is white
beep boop