Ah fuck buffalo

To what extent are we responsible for Buffalo shooter? This guy was walking /pol with a gun

Does /pol's words matter?

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To the same extent CNN, WaPo, MSNBC, etc. are responsible for Darrell Brooks, the perpetrator of the Waukesha Massacre.

Flooding with /pol memes.

/pol IQ level statistics fucking everywhere in the manifesto. Which is retard level.

I acknowledge there are good conversations btwn the filth. And the "Happening!??" memes are lit. But wtf

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he barely even came here lol

they are scapegoating to try and shut down this forum full of very bad goyim

The guy is a fucking retard, his manifesto is full of retarded shit and he literally said he was inspired by Any Forums and the "alt-right"

Is there an explanation for these images that occurred right after Jan 6? I was largely off this board 2016 to Jan 6

I get we were all laughing and shit posting. The vast minority of it clever

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I mean he is literally Any Forums's creation

I am reading his "manifesto". Main stream news blames tucker carlson, but ctrl f finds it no where. Also /pol is mentioned only once

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sometimes, it's good to be their demon.

Where do you think he got motivation from? Ctrl f and shit browsing shows a LOT of gun related obsession.

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he was made on discord
Let me tell you, discord is full of unironic terrorist salafis, isis wannabes, pedos, degens, groomers, feds, western extremists, racists, trannies and mentally ill joker-types all freely interacting with each other, all day, and do nothing else. They live on discord. This nigger was a creation of the cesspit, discord, aka HELL, and thats why he was looking at furry porn. Also, he didn't shoot up a federal or state government building, which is the first thing a Any Forumsfag would do


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imparts power.

>To what extent are we responsible for Buffalo shooter?
no one here tells anyone to go out and shoot people unless it's in self-defense of themselves or others. Anons here say hateful shit towards non-whites and white traitors but niggers and kikes say hateful shit about whites on Twatter.

A year ago someone on /pol mentioned Stormfront posted up on /pol. But they weren't here long?

And Stormfront networks through Discord, apparently. I think google confirms this

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zero, he was groomed by discord trannys.

Discord has much more to do with this than pol. Everyone knows this

Yeah but there's a lot of hateful shit posted here.

And on some level, if Buffalo is 18 now, and covid quarantine has been going on for 2+ years... Then a quarantined / isolated 16 year old could interpret all this a certain type of way

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Then what is the deal with discord?

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Please explain. Oldfag here. Drink in hand

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If I knew I’d tell you I haven’t signed into discord in a year or more. For a kid that young and impressionable. It all makes sense

If I had to guess I would say the way it’s moderated and who’s moderating the message boards. A lot of dog piling, lying (yeah I know we have that here) but still, discord mods are notoriously horrible and abuse their power, influencing the disaffected weird loner kids.

he was groomed by a user called armand
who pushed him to shoot instead of offing himself. weak men seek support, and on discord there are parasites and predato s waiting for your weakness, and desperation. usually they just groom children (which is reason enough to shut off discord) but they also, occasionally, mold the soft clay of an incel into a killer. smells like its GLOWING up in here

Yeah man. I am


to Twitter. /pol is cancer. Hahahaha

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I wonder if a "predator" type person found the cheeky cunt I am calling Buffalo and over conversations "groomed" him to do what he did

Not blaming deep state anything because (((it))) does not exist. But was someone feeding the mf ideas. It probably took a decent amount of time for Buffalo to decide to do that

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Fair enough.
Tbh I’m back on pol for the first time in even longer. It’s been in the news and I wondered first thing, wtf are the brilliant retards saying about this? It’s like visiting your hometown and realizing it’s never going to be the same.