When will white people stop loving white people. It is racists...

When will white people stop loving white people. It is racists. You never see this on the television so it can't be real.

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Did you suck too many clocks today OP? You're speaking in retard.

>You never see this on the television so it can't be real.

Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer!

Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer.


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I'm just so angry that whites enjoy themselves too much.

I've seen it, and I don't get it. It's a group of people enjoying themselves, why are you mad?

Is ok fren
We both knew the reference and we should take joy from that
RIP John Candy, but you just can't be that fat and survive long

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We need more interracial couples on television and the movies to counterbalance the too much whiteness.

Based fren

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Maybe mind your own fucking buisness

It's great to be white.

Because if whites are enjoying life, then that is less time white think about black people.

You don't get it.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles was a great movie.

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If white people would just spend at least 2 hours a day meditating about black people to solve all our problems, that would be ok.

My family and I still quote this movie around the holidays
>Goggle, gobble!

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The black guy in the movie was a piece of shit and deserved to get killed.

I swear that single scene with her is the only reason that movie got an R rating. I miss old movies like this. A man just trying to get home to see his family. Meanwhile making friends with another man who has experienced a great loss.

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Not even blonde and I hope they make many babies

The satire?

Based. My second favourite movie. Uncle Buck being my first, obviously.

what movie is this?

A satire on how all mediums are promoting whites hanging out with whites is not as cool as mixing. In fact, it could mean you are a white nationalist....or not....because I am ACTING!
