What if there was an underground network of radicals who setup a coordinating bombing of all major banks...

what if there was an underground network of radicals who setup a coordinating bombing of all major banks, media corporations, and government buildings across the country? that would be crazy right? could we ever recover from something like this?

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Remibder that all frog posters are feds

His name was Robert Paulson

Damn what is with these Pepe's inciting violence today

like in the fight club movie?

>he didn't watch the superior ccp version.

The problem with that would be that they'd need to coordinate it all across the country. There's no way to do that.

the idea is to hit all of the major ones in one fell swoop

hey i saw that show

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Listen man I don't even know what to say, and that's an honest statement. I want this degenerate shit to end but you can't end it with anything less than total cultural/demographic civil war, ultra violence, and an absolute disintegration of society.

The thing has to die, dude. Not just some banks and government buildings. Mass starvation. Population decline by over 90%. Absolute world-ending shit that leaves people in the wastes unable to read and write and scavenging for rat meat and cans of SPAM.

Okay? You want that? It's gonna happen, and it'll happen when it's supposed to. Until then, you stop being a degenerate, protect yourself, do what YOU need to do. The absolute fucking collapse IS coming. But no one man can instigate it..it's a death decided in the psycho-spiritual realm of the race's unconscious and cannot be triggered by the likes of you or me. When that engine winds down, and the power to resist entropy slags to a stop, the average man and woman will give up and give in to despair.

In total despair, the light of a new dawn rests. Not in some Any Forums plot to fix an unfixable shitshow of a world. I know that this may be hard to accept..but right now, it's just important that YOU and YOUR LIFE become symbols of Light and Order. It is all you can really do.

How come Simon and Garfunkel have been so quiet about these mass shootings? Does anyone think Simon and Garfunkel are personally involved?

I think that is a cool idea. I'm not a fan of the word "coordinated" because I think they would not have to be, but if that's what you mean then yeah, I think that would be really cool.

If I were to say that I am a fan of that kind of thing, I'd say I'm a fan of what you call "coordinated", and I'd be a fan of the idea of a coordinated attack.

That's the most retarded idea I've ever heard.

There are hundreds of millions of guns in the US, and if there were any such group of radicals they'd be killed before they could get to anything.

If it's not the government then it's not the government.

It's all so tiresome.

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That would be awesome.

It would be a shame if something like that were to happen.

>what if there was an underground network of radicals who setup a coordinating bombing of all major banks, media corporations, and government buildings across the country?
Then we wouldn't be in this mess. Nobody ever does anything.

It's a bad idea because the FBI and other agencies are on their ass and will do anything to stop it.

Because coordination is impossible when glowniggers are constantly on the lookout for any sign of actual rebellion. Try coordinating an underground effort like that, and watch how quickly they take you down because they listened in through your phones, over your browsers, through your televisions, and even inserted a couple into your group. You'll be black-bagged before you can even hope to start fighting back. The only thing we can do is wait for everything to collapse, then try to take power back during the ensuing chaos where even the glowniggers won't have any advantage.