MAGA endorsed

>When you go to bed at night, put your head on that soft pillow, you’ll know Oz will be doing exactly what you want him to do if you were there next to him

Attached: maga candidate..png (595x586, 278.89K)

Subverting populism and sucking miles of Jewish cock? Sounds like a winner.

He refused to comment on "2000 Mules". He's yet another POS rino.

>niggers tongue my anus

Attached: 1643562427758.gif (500x489, 912.28K)

I’m unironically voting for the unfiltered nig over the roach and hedge fund jew tomorrow.

Attached: CD310C48-C372-44BF-AB2B-4B73DC9BA7F5.png (1196x898, 1.19M)


>you’ll know Oz will be doing exactly what you want him to do if you were there next to him
shriveling and dying?

Attached: 1651065231028.png (800x600, 62.14K)

>not being a pedo

You're all so fucking retarded.

>voting for a black woman
I couldn't do it bro.

She sounds way more honest. I would vote for her over that turk fag.

That's creepy.

>electing a turk to anything


Dude it sucks but I can’t vote for either of these people. She aligns more with my views than either of them and comes across much more honest and unhinged.
Our state politics suck so bad this is the choice we have.



>Our state politics suck so bad this is the choice we have.
I understand, but it's not that bad, at least the democrats are still trying to do some good for the state.

Shit b8

>the nigger and the kike are both bad
>but I don't want the nigger
>so I'll vote for the kike

>wants to know if Oz will suck his cock if he were there
What did he mean by this?

>She sounds way more honest.
in 4 years she went from a giant obama simp to a giant Trump simp

A lot of people did kek

lol wtf
fuck these people

What an insane freak

A black woman
so brave, so historic

Thank god oz and the king kong bundy clone who stroked out will likely cause the state to self immolate or spontaneously combust between now and november

Dr. Oz is a member of the World Economic Forum

Attached: wef_oz.jpg (1125x2032, 270.1K)

Nigger, I came from Jersey. Do you know what the politics are like there? You know the reason the governor race wasn't decided for days in Essex County? It's because they underestimated how angry people were and panicked when Ciatarelli was about to win so they had to find 100k dead people or drug addicts that hadn't voted yet.

After last year, there's zero chance anyone right of AOC wins again in that state.

So what?

Yes. My based nigger is going to make that degenerate mongoloid Fetterman stroke out again.

Oz is based. Deal with it.

kek PA would be based if we could just kick Philly over to Jersey. The rest of us would easily outnumber shittsburgh.

Trump so cringe now.

>implying you want a black woman as governor

Kek. I was torn between wanting the Ogre to stay in the race (cause Barnette will mop the floor with him) and wanting complete assurance that he'd be barred from the Senate.

Barnette will almost undoubtedly win. She'll take 25% of the black vote easy - should be enough to offset the reeing from the Main Line moms.

Yeah fucking you faggots

I know. Literally an hour outside of Filthy and you're in Trump country. It's such an improvement. I would kick Philly and the entire Main Line to Jersey or Delaware.

Good choice. Hope she pulls it off.