This country is fucked beyond belief

This country is fucked beyond belief

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who am I looking at

He was the guest on Tim Pools IRL show tonight.

Is this another "Progressive liberal agrees to do Timcast and everyone can't fucking stand him because he's a misinformed fucking retard who's patently wrong about everything" episode?

I can't watch those episodes.. I know hearing the Other Side's arguments makes you a better person and more able to counter them and all that... But fuck man. So many of these leftist types are just so mega cringe.

this is the new face of the alt-right

What's wrong with him other than the obvious fact that he's a mutt?

A Jewish manlet. Pay it no mind.

Relax, they're too pathetic and weak to use a gun in any meaningful way.

I had to turn it off after an hour, that guy is defective.

Pretty much. I can't stand someone more of a skinny manlet mutt than I am and he already came off as a pretentious cunt in the first minute.
I jump roped to happy hardcore instead













I agree, but we can change it, and I will never stop fighting to make this land a better place

Is that one of the leftists that Tim was excited to finally have on his show this week? As in "excited to finally have a lefty that actually dares to come on his show".

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They both sounded like they were gay faggots for each other but I couldn't watch past the first bits of felatio

Give me some highlights of the episode, I cringed too hard at it to watch it live

Look at his face.. shark eyes, unshaven, soi body, commie attitude. this is the face of the new America.

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No matter what they say, it always just comes off as,
>You will BOW DOWN goy, to me, the stinky poo man. The high shekelblatts have appointed me as their janissary.
and it's like what do you say to that, or what can you say? "Sorry but you're subhuman compared to the white people you despise and the only thing perpetuating your gravy train is that whites still allow it."
It's not really a good environment for a good faith conversation. Real politics will never be possible with forced race mixing nations. Race mixing itself is anti-nation.

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I need to get a jump rope. I've read about all the benefits. Just need to get into it.

I'm not interested in countering arguments anymore.

One of my Cum Town bits

its Destiny, KEK

Get a beaded one from champion, easy easier to learn with and cheap. I bought a 16' one and made two, best 12 bucks ever.

>I've read about all the benefits
Just jump rope. Do need a 7000 word essay about the benefits of rope jumping?

not a fan i take it?

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look at it's arms...

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I don't actually watch Tim Pool, but I watched a bit of this one and can categorically say that this dude is a fucking moron. Car crash stuff. In order to not make an argument he kept saying that his position 'is whatever the law says'. Okay cool dipshit, we're changing the law, what is your position now? That would have been the only way to get anything out of this wanker and I'm surprised the hosts didn't put that to him.

I don't think that's right

Oh no, Tim is one of my favorite useful idiots but I couldn't stand the smaller browner one.

chances of that other lefty cancelling later this week?
ive not seen tonight's show but it doesn't sound like it went over well.

He's a leftist cuck.

Pretty much, Its just Time getting visibly mad at the hilariously stupid shit the lefty tries to pull. Its less a debate and more explaining to a child how the world works.

it's hard man, I can't watch either.

I remember that conversation he had with the rapper and it was insufferable. I might skip this one too if this guy is as stupid and uncharismatic as he looks

Dark Destiny.

Well the first thing thr brown midget said was OY VEY DONT FORGEY TIMMY WE GOT YOU YOUR IN SHEKLESHEKLE GOY GOY

why doesnt tim just grab the blackpowder revolver behind him and blast tonight's guest's (((white))) head off

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