He’s got a point

Why can’t you just accept were going to make you a minority?

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He could always start by killing himself

That’s right freak, keep inciting more violence.

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It’s more about the fact that they want to genocide whites to make them minorities.


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jews are a minority, retard.

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Here’s how:

>keep inciting more violence
How does a simple question incite violence? I’m not sure I follow.

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No, but South Africa sure does, and there’s a certain factor both have in common.

You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t know the answer. You’re just here to try to incite copycats and you know it. Now go back to being a self-hating, miserable freak.

BlackRock is the single largest asset management corporation in the World, for those who don't know.

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no, its because niggers are violent subhumans, even as a 13% minority they cause so much damage society is going backwards, now imagine niggers being a majority.

>why are the people who made a country afraid of being outnumbered by foreigners?????????????????????????

This is easy. It's because if there's any problems with liberalism and its system of rights they'll just blame it on one race.

There is no parallel for any other minority. We assume per CRT that if races exist, then it's due to white people racializing others. We assume that'll go away as the white majority disappears. There's no other race considered the reason we live in a racialized society. Thus, only one race has to be a minority in any given area.

So what white people deal with is everyone identifying with their race except them, they have to identify with a nation that they hold back as a race.

This is not a fear of discrimination. It's a fear of being blamed for the failures of liberal democracy as it implodes, and the struggle to save it being reduced to a struggle against white people.

Lets make forcefully blacks a minority in Africa or, Asians a minority in Asia. Then see how much they try to justify it being a good thing.

Basically what he is saying is:

White people are afraid.
Remember, white people have been evil in the past when they were powerful.

Every place with a lot of niggers and spics sucks to live in

Yes all whites will get fucked in the ass all day everyday

No..Minorities get everything handed to them for doing nothing to contribute to society and being anything but white. Whites would be treated poorly as a minority.All other races get their asses kissed.The whites will be retaliated against and punished for all the wrongs minorities wrongly blame us for.This can be seen happening already...

>He’s got a point
No, he does not. He is a liar. Whites are the kindest, most generous and charitable race on the planet. That is why the world flocked to live in White countries. Our Christian heritage made us the most welcoming and Just of all. That is why and how so many of all races and creeds have been able to become successful in White countries, even in government.

But we see, as the minorities start becoming the majority, how they hate us and how they use our kindness and good will against us. They mean us harm. We never meant them harm. As they gain more control and power, it is harder for them to hide their hatred toward, and ill will for, us.

Stop being swayed by their word games. Really understand what they are saying and use your intelligence to see how they are liars. His tweet is a lie, using words sinisterly to make us feel bad and guilty.

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Nigger I'm not afraid of you. I'm afraid of having to give up my peaceful comfortable life to deal with your nigger antics.

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Because the niggers and spics want to genocide us.

White people treat minorities very well. It's non-whites who don't. I'd rather be a shitskin in Europe than in asia